Most ingrid pitt related news are at:

¡GRACIAS, MONSTRUOS! 16 Nov 2009 | 09:20 am
Fin de la primera temporada... o eso espero. Compromisos laborales y estudiantiles me han alejado estos meses del blog y debo ponerle un "The End" -ya que el cerrado por vacaciones no es justo para vo...
Como alguno ya seguramente os habreis imaginado, la casa encantada cierra sus puertas por vacaciones de verano (¡¡este año sí!! El pasado nos quedamos metidos aqui en el ataud, con el calor que hacía ...
More ingrid pitt related news:
Long Overdue 16 Mar 2011 | 05:44 pm
While I was on my extended leave of absence, I was very saddened to hear that Ingrid Pitt had passed away. I was especially down because I was working on a portrait of her and planned on sending her a...
Debbie Rochon to be honored with Ingrid Pitt Award, 10 Jan 2013 | 06:54 pm
The very first Ingrid Pitt Memorial Award represents a tip of the hat to a horror star- and its recipient is Debbie Rochon. Much like Pitt in the 1970’s with films “Countess Dracula” and “The Vampire...
Debbie Rochon to be honored with Ingrid Pitt Award, 10 Jan 2013 | 06:53 pm
The very first Ingrid Pitt Memorial Award represents a tip of the hat to a horror star- and its recipient is Debbie Rochon. Much like Pitt in the 1970’s with films “Countess Dracula” and “The Vampire...
Angelina Jolie et Brad Pitt se fiancent 14 Apr 2012 | 07:12 pm
C'est fait! Le couple le plus glamour de la planète est fiancé. Après des mois de rumeurs sur le mariage tant attendu de Brad Pitt et Angelina Jolie, un cap a été franchi.
More Mandalas 28 May 2010 | 05:07 pm
Some of my mandalas are a little wonky but I'm okay with that. I use three different sizes (F, S, XS) of Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pens and they are wonderful to work with. So relaxing, and portable t...
Best short Celebrity Hairstyles are So Popular 2012 11 Nov 2011 | 04:19 am
Best short Celebrity Hairstyles are So Popular 2012 Some of the most emulated celebrities are Rhianna, Jennifer Aniston, Halle Berry, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, and Michelle Obama. We often rush to g...
Angelina Jolie’s cleavage signing autographs 22 Dec 2010 | 09:55 pm
How about some Angelina Jolie cleavage peek you say? Well you got it! Seen here signing autographs are her lovely titties sadly owned by Brad Pitt. Seriouly, why does the guy have everything good in t...
Mr. Pitt 29 Aug 2008 | 05:16 am
Kisah in terjadi kira-kira setahun setengah lalu. Nama saya Habsah, usia 38 tahun, isteri kepada Abang Samad, peniaga perabot kecil-kecilan. Kawan-kawan panggil saya Kak Cha saja. Kami tinggal di sebu...
Kids From San Fransisco Mexico 27 Jul 2009 | 12:00 pm
These are the kids from the village That Stole our Hearts Just sitting in the tree Levis, Anghi, Areli, Ingrid, Saira, Rudit Anghi took most of the following pictures. I like to call this one "An...
Brad Pitt Delivers Jennifer Aniston A Final Blow 17 Sep 2011 | 12:46 am
Brad Pitt thinks his marriage to Jennifer Aniston was fake, it was “something that it wasn’t”. The ‘Moneyball’ actor – who was married to former ‘Friends’ star Jennifer from 2000 to 2005 – thinks his ...