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Inkscape Intro 20 Jan 2007 | 03:58 am
This article by Dimitry Kirsanov originally appeared in TUX Magazine, Issue 6. Most people seem to think of programs such as Tux Paint, the GIMP, or Adobe Photoshop when you start talking about drawi...
Crossword Puzzle Game (bermain sambil melatih daya ingat) 18 Dec 2011 | 04:07 am
Coretan desain grafis di saling silang crossword puzzle game, Menguji daya ingat, ketelitian mendasar sembari bermain (tentang dasar desain grafis Inkscape). Sebelumnya terimakasih untuk Bapak Nyach,...
Materi Pembelajaran dan Tutorial Inkscape 22 May 2011 | 09:42 pm
Materi Pembelajaran dan tutorial Inkscape . Dikelola untuk bahan semester 1 kelas XII. Berisikan proyek kasus dari Aplikasi Desain Grafis Inkscape. Terdiri dari: 1. tutorial membuat obyek prangko ...
RedHat Enterprise Linux Jacket 29 Jul 2009 | 02:57 am
Iseng coret-coret di inkscape, walhasil setengah jam gak bisa berhenti, sampai selesai. RedHat Jacket seperti terlihat di bawah ini. Yang mau order silakan, order kemana saja, karena gambar ini terla...
O nome disso é Vitória: Lançado o Grupo de Interesse 4CMULTI no FISL 28 Jul 2010 | 05:25 am
Caros, novamente minha involuntária ausência se justifica : Durante o 11º Fisl foi lançado o 4CMULTI , o primeiro espaço destinado a fomentação das ferramentas gráficas livres*(Gimp, Inkscape e Blen...
Free Vectors 13 Apr 2012 | 11:00 pm
Here are a few sites that offer free vectors. The main vector file types are .ai, .svg and .eps. You can open .ai and .svg files using the open source program Inkscape, and you can get Inscape to open...
Breve Aparição Semi-Alienígena; Inkscape; Desenvolvimento no Linux 23 Jun 2008 | 06:46 pm
Sim, esse aqui sou eu. A alternativa pro Corel Draw que citei na entrevista é o Inkscape. E já que citei ele, já aproveito pra dizer que sim, vou continuar com minha lista de artigos sobre desenvolvim...
Macが出力する全ての音を録音するアプリ 13 Jan 2012 | 12:46 am
ストリーミングされている音声をファイルに落とす方法はいろいろありますが、これさえあればというのはなかなかないと思います。それができるのがこのWondershare AllMyMusicというアプリです。といのうのもMacが出力している音を全て録音するからです。まるで、Macの前にマイクを置いて録音しているかのようにです。 使い方 録音 録音を開始するには、録音ボタンを押します。 録音を止め...
Free softwares 1 Dec 2009 | 07:06 pm
2D & 3D-Graphcs: : It is used instead of Adobe illustrator & Coral draw. This SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) format supported software works well in Graphic work. http://genome.o...
Inkscape Extension: Text from CSV 1 May 2012 | 07:35 am
Extension to enter text from a CSV file. Here is an extension to place text on a drawing from a csv file. This is useful if you want to plot map data etc. A csv file is needed with 3 columns – x pos...