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mysql 常用引擎分析对比 26 Jul 2013 | 11:33 am
mysql 常用的存储引擎有 InnoDB MyISAM Archive Memmory等 其中InnoDB一般被认定为首选的mysql存储引擎,其是mysql默认使用的事务存储引擎, InnoDB采用MVCC来支持高并发,并且实现了四个标准的隔离级别,能够有效的防止 技术: 数据库
USING BTREE引起的MySQL导入错误 9 Dec 2011 | 06:24 am
最近一个项目中使用的使用mysql导入sql脚本时间出现错误 MySQL导入脚本命令 mysql -u username -p dbname < dbsql.sql 几次尝试没有成功,由于对Linux下命令行不是很熟悉,尝试使用phpMyAdmin来救急吧,安装完后运行SQL脚本出现以下错误: ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=72 DEFAULT CHARSET...
InnoDB Plugin 1.0.7 GA has been released 27 Apr 2010 | 04:47 am
The InnoDB team is pleased to announce the availability of InnoDB Plugin 1.0.7 GA, now included in MySQL 5.1.46. With this release the InnoDB Plugin reaches GA (General Availability) state and is rec...
InnoDB 1.1.0 has been released in MySQL 5.5 21 Apr 2010 | 12:48 am
The InnoDB team is pleased to announce the availability of InnoDB 1.1.0! InnoDB 1.1.x is based on the InnoDB Plugin 1.0.x. InnoDB 1.1.x is included as the standard InnoDB in MySQL 5.5 and will not b...
Embedded InnoDB released 26 Feb 2010 | 03:02 am
The InnoDB Team is pleased to announce the availability of a new release of Embedded InnoDB – This new early adopter release contains many functional and performance improvements vs. the p...
InnoDB Plugin 1.0.6 has been released 28 Nov 2009 | 07:29 am
The InnoDB team is pleased to announce the availability of InnoDB Plugin release 1.0.6. Changes since release 1.0.4 include a number of bug fixes and improvements, of which the most noticeable are: ...
InnoDB Hot Backup 3.0.2 has been released for Mac OS X on i386 25 Aug 2009 | 02:04 am
This is the first release of InnoDB Hot Backup 3.0 for Mac OS X on i386. MySQL/InnoDB 5.0 requires InnoDB Hot Backup 3.0. This version is also compatible with all older MySQL/InnoDB versions down to 3...
Announcing InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4 for MySQL 5.1.37 11 Aug 2009 | 03:41 pm
The InnoDB team is pleased to announce the availability of InnoDB Plugin release 1.0.4, which brings additional performance gains of 20% or more! This latest early adopter version of the InnoDB Plugin...
Embedded InnoDB released 24 Jun 2009 | 01:13 pm
The InnoDB Team is pleased to announce the availability of a new release of Embedded InnoDB. This new early adopter release contains many functional and performance improvements vs. the previous 1.0.0...
InnoDB Presentations at the MySQL Conference & Expo 2009 13 May 2009 | 11:59 am
There were several very well-attended sessions about InnoDB at the MySQL Conference and Expo 2009. You can download these presentations from Heikki Tuuri, Ken Jacobs and Calvin Sun: Ken and Heikki: I...