Most innodb or myisam related news are at:

Enterprise Guide to Dedicated Hosting – Part 1 5 Jul 2013 | 07:40 pm
Is Dedicated Hosting Right For You? Enterprises are different from other business, and not just because they’re larger. They have the resources to create and offer complex products and services, but ...
Trusting the Cloud Part 2 of 2 27 Jun 2013 | 12:16 am
Part 2: Sealing the Deal In Part 1 of this article, we examined some of the reasons why companies hesitate when making a decision to move to the cloud- particularly security, and what good cloud serv...
More innodb or myisam related news:
Track That Stat 1.0.8 Is here 7 Apr 2012 | 08:06 pm
What was changed exactly? Updated mysql databases from “InnoDB” to “MyISAM” (only applies to brand new installations) Fixed issues with “truncate” erasing data once the plugin is disabled/reactivate...
Symfony - Doctrine: Use a fully UTF8 database 20 Jul 2010 | 01:16 am
First, edit your config/databases.yml and add : Then open your config/doctrine/schema.yml and add at the top of your file : Of course, if you want to stick to myisam, replace InnoDB by MyIsam. Befw...
MySQL Query Cache and InnoDB Considerations 24 May 2011 | 07:49 pm
In this article we will be going over a higher level view of MySQL optimization - InnoDB versus MyISAM, whether or not you should use the Query Cache, and the new InnoDB Barracuda file format. We disc...
PHP scripts for converting InnoDB to MyISAM database engine 27 Jan 2012 | 07:23 am
Tweet This PHP CODE snippets will change your database engine from InnoDB to MyISAM, this is useful when you need to save time manually changing all the tables from InnoDB to MyISAM, for example whe...
XtraBackup i tworzenie slave 30 Oct 2012 | 10:13 pm
XtraBackup to bardzo przyjemne narzędzie do wykonania szybkiego i “gorącego” binarnego backupu dla InnoDB i MyISAM. Znakomicie nadaje się do przygotowania pełnej kopii całego serwera bazodanowego, w s...
InnoDB a MyISAM obecnie 17 Nov 2012 | 02:26 am
Chwilę temu umieściłem na tym blogu kilpa różnych wpisów porównujących działanie i wydajność silników InnoDB i MyISAM. Są to konkretnie poniższe posty:
InnoDB a MyISAM obecnie – część 2 19 Nov 2012 | 01:11 pm
Chciałbym się odnieść do komentarza umieszczonego pod poprzednim postem przez Marcina. Zacząłem pisać odpowiedź, ale okazało się, że trochę się rozpisałem i dlatego też umieszczam ją jako post a nie k...
Convertir toutes ses tables en InnoDB ou MyISAM 28 Feb 2013 | 03:00 am
Convertir toutes ses tables en InnoDB ou MyISAM Ce qui donne pour tout passer en MyISAM et économiser de la RAM : SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ',table_schema,'.',table_name,' ENGINE=MyISAM;') FROM infor...
InnoDB ve MyISAM – Karşılaştırma, Avantajlar ve Dezavantajlar 6 Jan 2013 | 05:46 pm
MySQL ile uğraşan yazılımcı arkadaşlar şu iki kelimeye çok aşinadırlar: MYISAM ve INNODB. Bunlar MySQL içerisinde saklanan tabloların kayıt edilme motorlarıdır. İşte bu yazımda da bu iki tür arasındak...
What is InnoDB and MyISAM and how to Convert MySql Database Tables from InnoDB to MyISAM 3 Jul 2013 | 10:39 pm
The following is a table comparison between InnoDB with MyISAM [crayon-51d5070424f7f306326573/] There is minor problem that MyISAM did not support Transactions and innoDB are more relialbe on atomicit...