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BarCamp Nairobi 2013 is almost here! 20 Aug 2013 | 01:12 pm
BarCamp is an international network of user-generated unconferences primarily focused around technology and the Web. By definition, an unconference is a participant-driven meeting that tries to avoid ...
On Startups: What exactly is a startup? (or the Startup Duck Test) 13 Aug 2013 | 03:00 pm
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of co-moderating two panels at the iHub during the monthly Nairobi Research Buzz event hosted by iHub Research and Microsoft. The theme was ‘Entrepreneurship 101′ ba...
More innovator developer conference related news:
X.Commerce,国际电子商务之新机遇 31 Oct 2011 | 07:45 pm
2011年10月中旬,eBay公司在美国三藩市的Moscone 中心举办了X.Commerce Innovate Developer Conference。今年大会的主题围绕的是新推出的电子商务平台:X.Commerce —— 一个汇聚了eBay、PayPal以及Magento诸多电商产品与技术的新平台。 在大会中,主要的发言人对大家表示了X.Commerce在国际电子商务大潮中的期望,他们预计...
X.Commerce,国际电子商务之新机遇 31 Oct 2011 | 03:45 pm
2011年10月中旬,eBay公司在美国三藩市的Moscone 中心举办了X.Commerce Innovate Developer Conference。今年大会的主题围绕的是新推出的电子商务平台:X.Commerce —— 一个汇聚了eBay、PayPal以及Magento诸多电商产品与技术的新平台。 在大会中,主要的发言人对大家表示了X.Commerce在国际电子商务大潮中的期望,他们预计在...
WWDC 2011 Journal, Day 4 11 Jun 2011 | 03:57 am
by Mike Morton, Google Mac Team Google Engineer Mike Morton is finished with Apple's 2011 Worldwide Developer Conference. Here's his final journal entry, written before he hopped a plane for home ear...
SAFARI for Windows.. 6 Aug 2011 | 04:31 am
Browser internet anda beberapa waktu mendatang akan dimarakkan dengan hadirnya Safari yang compatible dengan windows. Hal ini diumumkan Steve Jobs pada “Apple’s June Worldwide Developers Conference”. ...
iPhone 4 Dirilis Oleh CEO Apple Steve Jobs 9 Jun 2010 | 01:28 am
Dalam ajang Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) di San Francisco Amerika Serikat, CEO Apple Steve Jobs akhirnya memamerkan juga iPhone 4 pada Senin (7/6/2010) waktu setempat setelah sempat beberapa ...
.NET Developer Conference 2012 – ein Rückblick 16 May 2012 | 04:56 am
Genau wie im letzten Jahr fand die .NET Developer Conference in der Meistersingerhalle in Nürnberg statt. Die Konferenz wird von der Neuen Mediengesellschaft Ulm veranstaltet, die auch Herausgeber der...
Bring me Networks to Match My Gadgets 9 Jun 2009 | 08:57 am
So, there was Apple, Inc. senior Veep Phil Scholler unveiling the latest version of the iPhone at Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference, a gathering, with semi-cultish overtones, of the faithful geek...
Welcome To GPA! 22 Jan 2011 | 07:35 am
{besps}homeslides{/besps} {besps_l}0|gpawelcome2.jpg||conference|_self{/besps_l} {besps_l}0|gpawelcome3.jpg|http://www.grantprofe...
Apple announces new iPhone 4: the Steve Jobs keynote 28 Apr 2012 | 02:49 am
Steve Jobs took the stage at Apple Incs Worldwide Developers Conference to announce new features and products from the company. The chief executive began by giving an update on the iPad. The tablet c...
Texas Indie Game Con 9 Jun 2006 | 02:23 am
Finally, a game programming conference that I might be able to attend! I’ve always wanted to go to the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, but it’s pretty expense and I would have to fly ther...