Most inregistrare marci related news are at:

Plicul cu idei 30 May 2013 | 01:46 pm
Oficiul de Stat pentru Inventii si Marci (OSIM) pune la dispozitia publicului larg care doreste sa isi pastreze in siguranta documente fara a fi facute publice, documente ale: creatorilor, persoane ju...
Cine poate inregistra o marca comunitara? 17 May 2013 | 12:30 pm
Sistemul marcii comunitare a fost gandit in asa fel incat sa poata beneficia de el persoanele de nationalitatea tarilor care apartin spatiului comunitar. Orice persoana fizica sau juridica poate sa ...
More inregistrare marci related news:
Ghid gratuit – inregistrare marci la OSIM 30 Jan 2013 | 02:27 pm
Cand Vodafone a vrut sa-si lanseze marca in Romania a avut o surpriza mai putin placuta: marca societatii fusese inregistrata inca din 1995 de catre rivalul lor, Telemobil (titularul marcii Zapp). Si ...
Martha Marcy May Marlene 2011.HUN.PAL.DVDR-MWT 30 May 2012 | 05:27 am
Martha Marcy May Marlene 2011. (990 Mb-os fájlok : több táron) színes, szinkronizált, amerikai thriller, dráma, 98 perc, 2011. DVDR Martha.Marcy.May.Marlene.2011.HUN.PAL.DVDR-MWT rendező: Sean Dur...
Martha Marcy May Marlene 16 Nov 2011 | 07:32 am
Raise your hand if you haven’t been indoctrinated into a cult at least once in your life. That’s what I thought. Now that the Rapture has come and gone a half dozen times over the past few years and t...
Why Marc Ecko Clothing is the Favorite Outfit of the Hip Hops 1 May 2012 | 04:31 am
Marc Ecko is a name in fashion that is easily recognizable. He has been one of the top designers in urban style. This was founded in the year 1993 by Marc Ecko himself along with Marci Tapper and Seth...
Inregistrare in EcoSemnal! 1 Feb 2008 | 11:39 pm
Invitatie in EcoSemnal!: Daca vrei sa scrii despre ecologie, sa culegi informatii, sa traduci articole, sa participi la promovare sau poti da orice alt sprijin, te rugam sa completezi cat mai detaliat...
Jeffrey and Marci Beagley sentenced to 16 months of prison for their son's faith-healing death 10 Mar 2010 | 10:45 am
OREGON CITY -- Clackamas County Circuit Court Judge Steven Maurer sentenced Jeffrey and Marci Beagley to 16 months in prison this afternoon, calling the couple's decision to not seek medical care for ...
Oferta Speciala Inregistrare Domenii 7 Jul 2007 | 09:54 pm
Super Pret!!! Domenii .RO - 7 €/an Domenii .RO - 31 €/viata Domenii .EU, - € 7 €/an Deomenii .COM - 8 €/an Preturile afisate nu includ TVA.
Sukses Menjalani Slash Carrier (Karir Berganda) 7 Dec 2010 | 08:12 pm
Judul Buku: One Person, Multiple Carriers: Memaksimalkan Kebahagiaan Anda dengan Karier Ganda (Terjemahan) Pengarang: Marci Alboher (Kolumnis, blogger, penulis) Penerbit: hikmah (grup mizan) Tahun:...
Employer Registration 20 Aug 2008 | 10:00 am
Inregistrare Angajator
A Few of My Favorite Things 17 Jun 2010 | 12:43 am
Prompt number 7 is up at Scrap That Baby Challenge blog! :) This time, it's about your baby's favorites. I was thinking of Marcie's favorite stuff... at first I thought it was her doll Strawberry Shor...