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Samsung Galaxy Note Accessories 15 Feb 2012 | 05:11 pm
WTS: Samsung Galaxy Note Accessories Twin Usb Cradle With Battery Slot - $ For latest price, pls visit our new shopping cart platform at: -----...
Samsung Galaxy Note Accessories 15 Feb 2012 | 11:11 am
WTS: Samsung Galaxy Note Accessories Twin Usb Cradle With Battery Slot - $ For latest price, pls visit our new shopping cart platform at: -----...
ESXi 5.1.0 Build Number:1065491 9 May 2013 | 02:37 am
VMware 5.1 U1 Build 1065491. We just did an update. VMware ESXi 5.1 Update 1 Release Notes The Badkey Team ...
директивы robots.txt 21 Nov 2012 | 10:36 am
Про файл robots.txt в интернете много написано.. несмотря на наличие “стандарта” ( - приложение к HTML40), некоторые поисковые боты использ...
New Address 5 Jun 2007 | 11:47 pm
We have a new home! Please bookmark: (front page) (Blog) (Note: If this does not work for you, ...
Customizing Photo Captions 13 Sep 2006 | 06:50 pm
Ever wanted to customize your photo captions? You can do that using some HTML (and CSS) tags, and the effect can only be seen when you view your photos in "slideshow view". NOTE: Don't use this trick...
Déménagement du blog 14 Aug 2007 | 02:09 am
Et voilà mon nouveau blog a été officiellement inauguré avec une nouvelle note : Je vous rappelle que toutes mes prochaines not....
CSS3 animation: Galaxy 26 May 2012 | 05:24 am
Demo Note: this will only work in browsers that support CSS3 animations.Chrome · Firefox 5+ · Safari 4+ · Opera 12+ · IE 10+ The HTML is pretty simple. There are 6 divs, one for the galaxy vortex,... 24 Mar 2012 | 03:28 am
Come inserire i bottoni dei social network nello spazio della firma del vMail 1. Segui gli istruzioni di "Come inserire immagine con codici HTML nel video email" per arrivare al Punto 2. 2. Nella fi... 21 Mar 2012 | 03:47 am
Come inserire immagine con codici HTML nel video email Il modo migliore per dare un aspetto professionale al tuo template aggiungere un immagine con hyperlink nello spazio della firma. Come questo es...