Most insert bengali font in website related news are at:

Python , Django setup on Mac OS X 19 Jun 2013 | 12:21 pm
i tried to use upper version of python instead of using the default version on mac. that’s why i install my required version . but the problem i faced that is python doesn’t know where to look for m...
OmniAuth facebook/twiitter SSL certificate error 13 Jun 2012 | 02:08 am
i have used Omniauth for facebook login . I followed this tutorial to integrate facebook login I followed all th...
More insert bengali font in website related news:
Enjoy All Bangla websites From Mobile Phone 22 Sep 2011 | 02:45 am
At first download ''Opera Mini'' from Ovi store or any other sites if it not being installed. Procedure for bengali font setting in mobile: 1. Open your opera mini browser and write ''about:config'' a...
WP-Plugin: jQuery Font Scaling 1 Sep 2009 | 04:38 am
Description The plug-in offers three links to change the font size of your blog. They can be inserted anywhere on your website by including a simple PHP-function (-> Installation). These links change...
jQuery font scaling 28 Mar 2009 | 09:00 am
Required are the jQuery core and the jQuery plug-in “COOKIE”. Here you see the font scaling jQuery code: In addition, the font scaling affects two other files of your website. You must insert three l...