Most install elementary os related news are at:

elementary T-Shirts Now Available 9 Jul 2013 | 11:48 pm
A few weeks ago we started selling official elementary stickers (and we've shipped hundreds), but today we have something even more exciting to show you: official elementary t-shirts! read more
Get Your elementary Stickers 22 Jun 2013 | 04:54 am
Attention elementary fans: we're now selling official elementary stickers! Check it out. We're currently selling just stickers and we ship worldwide. We do plan on carrying more merch in the future, ...
More install elementary os related news:
Mac OS X Lion – remove login/username from menu bar 21 Jul 2011 | 06:15 pm
One of my first customizations after installing Mac OS X Lion was to remove the annoying login – username option from the top menu bar. And to explain “annoying”, I find it quite too long displaying m...
How to install multiple OS without formatting/partitioning hard disk? 4 Jul 2010 | 10:32 pm
If you would like to use multiple operating systems on your machine then we know we can install in separate drive or same drive or better to say partitioning hard disk. But there is another way to do ...
Mac OS X 10.6.8 Released 24 Jun 2011 | 01:16 pm
Fire up Software Update, Mac OS X 10.6.8 has been released. The update prepares your Mac for installing Mac OS X Lion when it is released next month and includes other bug and security fixes. The 10....
“BeatBox 3.0″ Aplikasi Music Player Mirip iTunes 7 Feb 2012 | 06:33 pm
Pernah mencoba Elementary OS? Ya Elementary OS sistem operasi Linux turunan Ubuntu juga namun di Elementary OS punya aplikasi sendiri yang tidak ada di Ubuntu Repository. Elementary OS dibuat agar ter...
Delete the Tips of the Day to save 5KB 22 Aug 2011 | 10:02 pm
Windows 95 had these tips of the day which appeared on a system running a newly installed Windows OS. These tips of the day are stored in the Windows Registry and consume 5K of space. For those of you...
Top 10 Best Free Online Virus Scanners Of Year 2010 1 Feb 2011 | 05:36 am
Antivirus software – the most essential thing that you need to install when you are using Windows operating system. You need it the day you have installed Windows OS because it is highly prone to viru...
want to chat without installing the OS? 26 Oct 2010 | 09:39 pm
register yourself click here then you will be ol no stable OS if it does for the employee / company and potentially good because without stable OS, because it is very safe and easy. Hopefully benefi...
19o Επεισόδιο 29 May 2012 | 11:48 am
Posted in episodes Το Linux μπορεί να είναι όμορφο! Σας δείχνουμε το Elementary OS, ένα λειτουργικό βασισμένο στο Ubuntu που στοχεύει στη βελτίωση της αισθητικής και να περιορίσει την ανάγκη του χρήσ...
Cara Cepat Install Ulang OS dengan Norton Ghost 30 Jun 2009 | 06:39 pm
Install ulang sistem operasi barangkali sering dilakukan oleh banyak pengguna komputer. Ketika komputernya dirasa sudah “lemot” karena banyaknya hal-hal yang tidak penting, install ulang bisa jadi pen...
Installing Chromium OS VMWare Image in Windows 7 30 May 2011 | 07:59 am
Well if you don’t know what Chromium OS is you must be living under a rock, seriously. You have to watch the video below. I came across this post explaining how to install Chromium OS in your mac/PC....