Most install freebsd on virtualbox related news are at:

Inspecting un-imported modules using ast 25 Jun 2012 | 05:21 am
or Skipping modules in py.test using marks but no importing As I've said before, py.test is my favourite testing tool. One if it's features is that it allows you to mark tests with arbitrary "marks"...
Small Emacs tweaks impoving my Python coding 15 Sep 2011 | 12:21 pm
Today I've spent a few minutes tweaking Emacs a little. The result is very simple yet makes a decent impact on usage. Firstly I remembered using the c-subword-mode a long time ago, I couldn't believe...
More install freebsd on virtualbox related news:
How to: Install PHP w/ FPM + Memcached + GD + MySQL on FreeBSD 8 1 Dec 2011 | 12:24 am
Enjoy our step-by-step guide to configuring PHP 5 with FPM, NGinx Web server, Memcached and MySQL 5.1, on FreeBSD 8: 1. Install FreeBSD 7 compatibility and standard packages cd /usr/ports/misc/compa...
Installasi FreeBSD, Compile kernel dan SQUID 16 Feb 2010 | 08:56 am
Install FreeBSD di HDD SATA saya dengan kapasitas 120G, dengan pastisi : Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on Sebelumnya jangan lupa ketika membuat partisinya, flag bootable nya di berikan...
freeX 3–4'2012 mit Bitdefender-Rettungs-CD, Dragonfly BSD 3.0.1, NetBSD 5.1.2, OpenBSD 5.1, Android 4.0 4 Apr 2012 | 12:00 pm
freeX: Netzwerk, Virtualisierung, Sicherheit. Ab 4. April am Kiosk. Weitere Themen: BSD: Kleine Spezialsysteme mit NanoBSD; Dragonfly; Dateiüberwachung in FreeBSD Virtualisierung: VirtualBox im Netz...
Install FreeBSD 9 ZFS Mudah 2 Apr 2012 | 05:11 pm
Install Freebsd dengan filesytem ZFS, file system yang tangguh untuk listrik yang sering down. Pertama Dowload untuk i386 disini untuk amd disini login dengan user root dan password mfsroot (se...
Haiku-os alpha1 1 Mar 2010 | 08:03 pm
Screenshot of my haiku-os alpha1 install running under virtualbox on Macbook Pro. Woohoo. Original post blogged on b2evolution.
Switched to Linux 1 Apr 2012 | 02:54 pm
In one of my previous posts, I had mentioned how to install FreeBSD on ZFS. I was doing this for my file server, which I ran in this configuration for quite some time. It worked well for a while, but ...
Install and Manage Virtualbox 4 on headless Ubuntu Server 11.10 without GUI 11 Jul 2012 | 06:33 pm
This guide explains how you can run virtual machines with VirtualBox 4.1 on a headless Ubuntu 11.10 server. Normally you use the VirtualBox GUI to manage your virtual machines, but a server does not h...
Install and Manage Virtualbox 4 on headless Ubuntu Server 11.10 without GUI 11 Jul 2012 | 06:33 pm
This guide explains how you can run virtual machines with VirtualBox 4.1 on a headless Ubuntu 11.10 server. Normally you use the VirtualBox GUI to manage your virtual machines, but a server does not h...
Upgrade FreeBSD 9.0 ke 9.1 Menggunakan freebsd-update 26 Mar 2013 | 11:22 am
# freebsd-update fetch # freebsd-update install # freebsd-update upgrade -r 9.1-RELEASE # freebsd-update install # shutdown -r now # freebsd-update install # shutdown -r now Finish
Converting an existing Windows XP installation to a VirtualBox image 29 Jun 2013 | 05:06 am
Can be done in 2 steps, where 2nd step is optional: From Windows itself: use Disk2vhd to create the .vhd image. (optional, requires VirtualBox) convert the VHD to VirtualBox-native VDI with VBoxMana...