Most install git mac related news are at:

How to: MySQL “created” column default value of NOW() 20 Jan 2011 | 04:58 am
MySQL is gay in a lot of ways, but no more to me than the inability to use NOW() on a “created” column. So here’s what you do — Create 2 columns both of the TIMESTAMP data type: modified – on update C...
How to: MySQL “created” column default value of NOW() 19 Jan 2011 | 11:58 pm
MySQL is gay in a lot of ways, but no more to me than the inability to use NOW() on a “created” column. So here’s what you do — Create 2 columns both of the TIMESTAMP data type: modified – on update C...
More install git mac related news:
Mac OS X Lion – How to install Java 21 Jul 2011 | 05:59 pm
Mac OS X Lion doesn’t include a Java runtime environment on the default installation. However Apple has immediately released Java as a separate download. The first package of Java for Lion can be fo...
Qt SDK 1.2.1 update and Qt 3D 1.0 released 12 Apr 2012 | 09:49 am
The Qt SDK 1.2.1 is now available for download. It brings increased stability to the Qt SDK 1.2. The updated SDK includes Qt 4.8.1 desktop installers for Mac and Windows in addition to Qt source packa...
Mac: Package Uninstallation 12 Aug 2011 | 12:41 am
There are lots of free or inexpensive though marvelous packages presently that a user should install on Mac; snag is that the packages take up space, that happens to be is only finite in space. Starti...
Installing Google V8 Javascript Engine in Mac OS X and in Linux 13 Sep 2011 | 07:30 pm
This documents describes how to install V8. V8 is Google’s open source JavaScript engine. We use V8 on JotForm to generate form code on the server side. ========== Installing on Mac OS X ============...
Django Installation on Mac OS X Lion 26 Jul 2011 | 05:49 am
Like many of Apple fanboys out there even I decided to upgrade Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6) to Mac OS X Lion (10.7) as soon as it was made available on App Store. Upgrading from App Store was pretty s...
Installing phpMyAdmin on Mac OS X Lion 25 Jul 2011 | 02:25 am
This article is part of Django Installation on Mac OS X Lion Mac OS X by default ships with Apache web server which we will use to install (configure) phpMyAdmin to manage MySQL server installed prev...
Installation of MySQL server on Mac OS X Lion 24 Jul 2011 | 09:22 pm
This article is part of Django Installation on Mac OS X Lion At the time of writing this post, MySQL Server on MySQL site doesn’t have installer package for OS X 10.7 (aka Lion) but 10.6 Package work...
Using git over SSH 11 May 2012 | 04:21 am
Using git over ssh: Use studio’s “New PHP Project from git” wizard to checkout from git with both protocols OR To work with CLI , follow instructions in the following links to install git client: ...
Mac OS X Lion 10.7 Reverse Scroll Direction 27 Jun 2011 | 09:32 am
I installed the Mac OS X Lion developer only to find that the scroll direction has changed. In a attempt to match how it works on the iPhone, which really does make sense, but is the exact opposite o...
Symfony2, Assetic, less et yui compressor: Installation sur Mac 23 Aug 2011 | 01:54 am
Après un petit moment de silence, voici une petite publication concernant l’installation de LESS pour pouvoir l’utiliser avec Symfony2 et Assetic. Pour cela, nous allons utiliser MacPorts. Vous devez ...