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Which “Level” Of Undo Do You Use 28 Jun 2013 | 03:44 am

Object-level Undo has been deprecated in Flash CC. This doesn’t mean it’s dead forever, it just means that Adobe has shelved the feature based on usage data. But since the debut of CC, there has been ...

Flash CC – Top 10 reasons why it’s awesome 28 Jun 2013 | 02:28 am

10. Core – Adobe has rewritten the very core, the foundation if you will, of Flash. Flash was originally built to be a 3 story home and we reached the roof level and kept trying to add on to it – whic...

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No source avaiable (VS2010) 11 Jan 2011 | 11:03 am

Did you ever try pausing your code in VS2010? Did you get this very annoying screen that says “no source available” ? The solution is simple, install this extension Other Interesting Posts PHP VS. ...

Flash Tracer, win7, Firefox 17 Dec 2009 | 01:57 pm

Making Flash Tracer work under win7, flash debug player 10. 1. install Flash tracer from 2. create text file with the name 'mm.cfg' and save it inside "c:\...

Comment installer une extension (plugin) dans WordPress 19 May 2012 | 10:25 am

Les Plugin ou Extensions permettent d’ajouter des fonctionnalités à WordPress Voici une video vous montrant comment installer simplement une extension dans WordPress

Comment installer une extension (plugin) dans WordPress 19 May 2012 | 10:25 am

Les Plugin ou Extensions permettent d’ajouter des fonctionnalités à WordPress Voici une video vous montrant comment installer simplement une extension dans WordPress

Inkscape Extension: Tables in Inkscape 1 May 2012 | 07:19 am

This Inkscape extension provides table support for Inkscape. This is one of the features that are present in Corel Draw but are not present in Inkscape. So, just install this extension and you will ha...

Bug Interakting slider / Magento sur wamp (Can’t write to file) 15 Mar 2012 | 09:52 pm

Sur un magento 1.6.1, lorsque je souhaite installer l’extension Interakting slider sur une plateforme WAMP, j’obtiens l’erreur suivante : CONNECT ERROR: Can’t write to file: [mon_install]\downloader\...

Install Flash 9 Alpha 21 Oct 2006 | 11:01 am

First you need to download the Flash 9 Alpha .tar at this website: Download FLash 9 Alpha You want to pick the Linux installer You will probably want to go into your package manager and uninstall an...

ar-extensions: Trouble with require statements and MySQL Adapter [#11] 1 Dec 2009 | 07:37 pm

→ Assigned user cleared. I installed ar-extensions for the first time today, and in attempting to use on_duplicate_key_update in a rake task I ran smack into this problem. I'm using 0.9.2 with Rails...

Elephant Quest 3 Oct 2011 | 02:24 pm

**Please install Flash Player 10.2, this seems to be resolving some issues for people. Thank you! ** Latest version is v1.09. Some of these fixes may require a NewGame+ or NewGame to have the game fi...

Install Flash Player di Fedora 21 Aug 2009 | 03:30 am

Udah lama ga ngoprek linux, kebetulan hari senin pas lagi libur ada temen maen ke kos sengaja ngajak ngoprek fedora buat server. Ya meskipun ga beres, tapi sejak itu gw jadi termotifasi buat mempelaja...

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