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Разгон процессоров Intel на материнской плате Intel DP67BG 26 Mar 2012 | 10:58 pm
Всем известен слоган великой корпорации Intel – «Better Together» (Лучше вместе). Он означает, что лучше всего процессоры Intel Sandy bridge и Ivy bridge раскрывают свой потенциал на материнских плата...
Apple MacBook Pro 7 Jan 2012 | 01:23 pm
Apple Macbook Pro. 13 inch has previously used the older Intel Core 2 Duo processors, which are still using the white MacBook, the latest model using one of the latest Intel Sandy Bridge chips - the C...
MSI FX620DX Notebook with Intel Sandy Bridge & GeForce 3D GT540M 17 Jul 2011 | 01:01 am
MSI has launched its latest notebook MSI FX620DX supported by Intel's Sandy Bridge platform. 15.6-inch screen mounted on a laptop that has a checkerboard pattern on the exterior with the latest anti-s...
U31SD Laptop Terbaru dari Asus dengan Intel Sandy Bridge 22 Apr 2011 | 12:35 pm
Asus memperkenalkan notebook dengan layar 13.3-inci terbaru yang tipis dan ringan yaitu Asus U31SD. Laptop ini didukung oleh prosesor Core i3/i5 dengan arsitektur Intel Sandy Bridge generasi kedua . N...
Intel Sandy Bridge alaplapok 17 Feb 2011 | 04:42 am
A DTK bemutatja a legújabb Sandy Bridge technológiára épülő Intel alaplapokat. Az alaplapok részletes termékbemutatója pdf formátumban megtekinthető a következő linken: Intel Sandy Bridge alaplapok
Toshiba DynaBook T551/D8B 3D Sandy Bridge-based Laptop 18 Jan 2011 | 10:07 pm
Toshiba offer the Toshiba DynaBook T551/D8Btheir Intel Sandy Bridge-based laptop. The new notebook has Intel Huron River platform with 2.0 GHz Core i7 2630QM quad-core processor. Toshiba Dynabook T551...
Toshiba DynaBook T551/D8B 3D Sandy Bridge-based Laptop 18 Jan 2011 | 11:07 pm
Toshiba offer the Toshiba DynaBook T551/D8Btheir Intel Sandy Bridge-based laptop. The new notebook has Intel Huron River platform with 2.0 GHz Core i7 2630QM quad-core processor. Toshiba Dynabook T551...
Digital Storm Enix PC Desktop Intel Sandy Bridge dengan Core i7 2600K Di Overclock ke 4.7 Ghz 30 Jan 2011 | 12:12 am
Digital Storm Enix, sebuah desktop yang didukung oleh chipset terbaru Intel Sandy Bridge dengan prosesor Core i7 2600k yang sudah dioverclock ke 4.7GHz. Tentu saja, jika dompet Anda tidak cukup tebal,...
Sandy Bridge-E im RECT Server 24 Nov 2011 | 10:00 pm
Als Intel® Platinum Partner bleiben unsere RECT Server am Puls der Zeit. Pünktlich zum Launch der neuen Intel® „Sandy Bridge-E“ Prozessoren gehen auch im RECT Shop die neuen Server der 61er-Reihe onli...
"Sandy-Bridge" Server starten durch. 12 May 2011 | 07:00 pm
Neue RECT Server mit Single Sockel: Intel® "Sandy-Bridge" liefert mehr intelligente Leistung. Mit der zweiten Generation der Intel® Core™ Prozessoren launcht Intel® nun auch die neue Xeon® E3-1200er ...