Most intro to asia related news are at:

Why use an introduction agency to find the right woman for you? 27 Jul 2010 | 02:00 am
We are an introduction agency in Cebu the Philippines and we can help you to find a Philippine woman for a serious relationship or marriage. The Philippines is known for very beautiful caring women w...
More intro to asia related news:
SC Troubles Graft-Ridden Govt 10 Feb 2011 | 03:45 am
Intro: As Asia's third largest economy booms, the court may become a crucial checks and balance
Siaran Langsung Iran vs Indonesia PPD 2014, 2 Sep 2011, SCTV 3 Sep 2011 | 02:11 am
Siaran Langsung Iran vs Indonesia PPD 2014, 2 Sep 2011, SCTV - Pertandingan kualifikasi piala dunia 2014 zona Asia akan mempertemukan Iran vs Indonesia. Jadwal pertandingan ini akan dilangsungkan pada...
Tour a Tailandia 30 Apr 2011 | 04:36 am
Oferta tours a Tailandia. Tailandia es un país situado al en el sudeste de Asia, contiene grandes representaciones de arte Budista, que se pueden ver plasmadas en sus impresionantes Templos. Entre los...
Y&R Spark Plug Launches in Asia 19 May 2012 | 02:09 am
Y&R Singapore announced that it has become the first Y&R office in Asia to launch Y&R Spark Plug - which sees the agency open its doors to a number of promising start-ups to enhance innovation.
Y&R Singapore appoints Farrokh Madon as Chief Creative Officer 14 May 2012 | 04:00 pm
Sanjay Bhasin, CEO South East Asia Y&R, has announced the appointment of Farrokh Madon as Chief Creative Officer, Y&R Singapore, effective Monday 14 May 2012.
译乐队——《零壹》【FLAC下载】 9 Feb 2012 | 06:35 am
在电子高速公路上飞驰 这是由DJ晓帆和吉他手讴歌组成的电子乐队在2003年推出的专辑,极具速度感又很多元化。这么像模像样的电子专辑,在国内算是比较少见的。 1.INTRO 非常阳光的作品,给人很悠闲的感觉 2.功夫 有力度,有速度,非常过瘾 3.过招 与中国传统元素结合 4.地中海 5.蒙古 6.骇客在中国 7.超级玛丽 8.阿又朵 9.果儿 10.艳影 表现的是老上...
Check out the official cinematic launch trailer for The Darkness II 7 Feb 2012 | 06:45 pm
Welcome to the 2K Games Asia Official Facebook Page! Keep in touch with the latest and greatest for upcoming games like The Darkness II, BioShock Infinite, XCOM and more! If you live in Singapore, Tai...
Veranstaltungen am Mi. 30.05.2012 30 May 2012 | 10:05 am
Goldberg-Variationen/Gods and Dogs @ Bayerische Staatsoper - Nationaltheater Asia Wer mit Stäbchen essen schon seine Herausforderung hat, wird bei diesen Artisten den Mund gar n... @ GOP Varieté 201...
Der Weg des Mönches – Mists of Pandaria Beta-Eindrücke 28 Mar 2012 | 08:11 pm
Pandas, Mönche, Asia-Flair – wo manch ein WoW-Veteran dankend abwinkt, stürzen wir uns in die Mists of Pandaria Beta und schauen den Bambus-fressenden Bären bei ihren Kämpfen über die Schulter. Wie sp...
Women Fashion 22 Jan 2010 | 03:43 am
Women Fashion: Women Fashion , beauty tips, makeup and jewlery and News from Pakistan, India, USA, Asia and around the world plus Tips from stylists, catwalks experts, top designers and other profess...