Most invalid hostname related news are at:

网站前台 25 Jun 2013 | 09:20 am
概述 网站前台是面向网站访问用户的,通俗的说也就是给访问网站的人看的内容和页面,网站前台访问可以浏览公开发布的内容,如产品信息、新闻信息、企业介绍、企业联系方式、提交留言等操作,管理可以通过密码进到后台的网页,来发布新闻、查看留言等操作。
VMware的Unity模式+photoshop=任务栏压力很大 28 Aug 2012 | 04:11 pm
VMware的Unity模式能将客户机与主机无缝整合,很多时候很好用。但是,有时候也会出问题。 如图,客户机photoshop里的每个工具,都会在主机的任务栏生成一个图标。
More invalid hostname related news:
百度快照:Bad Request,网站被K? 21 Mar 2012 | 01:37 am
今天公司网站的一个子栏目发现收录只剩下一条,并快照显示:Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)和快照时间回档到去年,顿时感到奇怪,因为这段时间比较忙,对这个档目并没有做什么优化操作,所以不存在网站降权。 看到BAD REQUEST ,第一眼的感觉就是服务器出了问题?BAD REQUEST 的意思是你的请求时无效的(REQUEST是请求的意思)。 也许是因为网站内部出现问题,...
حمله به سايت هاي بلاگفا در روز قدس يا فيلترينگ !؟ 19 Sep 2009 | 03:47 am
سلام امروز وقتي ميخواستم وارد چند وبلاگ از وبلاگ هاي مجموعه بلاگفا بشم با پيغام Bad Request (Invalid Hostname) مواجه شدم . بعد از ديدن اين پيغام شك كردم كه نكنه حمله اينترنتي باشه . براي همين بي د...
不好意思,请问爱备案数据为何进入不了? 16 Jul 2011 | 09:24 pm
不好意思。我想管理下我的域名,可是入口不能进,出现“Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)”,请问我现在该咋办?
When Night Falls (2007) 26 Feb 2010 | 09:21 pm
A Thriller set in 1932 about two nurses trapped in a country mansion with their invalid patient whilst a killer is on the loose. A series of unexplainable events start to occur and the nurses begin to...
Setting a background fill on an invalid Spark Image control in Flex Hero 26 Oct 2010 | 01:15 pm
In a previous example, “Setting the background color on an invalid Spark Image control in Flex Hero”, we saw how you could set the background color on an invalid Spark Image control in Flex Hero by se...
Kwicks 1.5.1 Released!!!111!! 27 Jun 2008 | 08:40 am
So it turns out that people didn't really like the "Invalid Argument" error that Kwicks 1.5 was throwing in IE7+. Kwicks 1.5.1 fixes the bug and is ready for download. Once again, I would like to th...
DPM 2010: Agent operation failed (ID 370) 27 Apr 2011 | 09:12 pm
Changing or Expired credentials for an Agent will lead to an Agent operation failed (ID370) error, specifying that the credentials are invalid. In order to solve this we need to login to the server th...
What If Everything/Nothing is both True and False? 31 May 2010 | 06:19 am
The other day my friend and I were cracking up at fact that various words can be both good or bad, valid or invalid, true or untrue depending on how they’re used… “I’m nothing! I’m nobody!” To an ego...
550 Access denied - Invalid HELO name 6 Jun 2011 | 06:17 pm
Author: stella Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:17 am You have attempt to send out an email and failed with the following error: 550 Access denied - Invalid HELO name Double check your email setting to ...
Jandarmii l-au ajutat pe un invalid să vadă lumina zilei după zece zile în nămeţi 14 Feb 2012 | 08:18 am
Un bătrân bolnav a fost scos pe brațe de jandarmi după ce timp de două săptămâni a stat sechestrat în propria casă. Teodor Antoche locuiește singur la marginea satului Cotul Ciorii. Câte o rudă îi mai...