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BerryMax全站(包含产品源代码)出售公告 25 Dec 2012 | 10:13 am
从08年开发的第一款BB软件AutoKeyLock到后面的IPCaller一直开发了10多款软件,其中MaxPopup还意外的在11年RIM举办的开发者比赛中得奖,感谢大家4年以来的支持 特别要感谢MaxPDA论坛(买BB后第一个注册的地方,软件发布的地方),斗战胜佛(当时论坛上也支持过,后来直接支持过MaxPopup),依林(BerryMax的域名还有一些APP的想法),友藏(很多APP的想法...
[冒泡儿]MaxPopup免费版发布 8 Feb 2012 | 02:19 am
冒泡儿免费版发布了 与收费版不同的地方 1,有广告(请高手手下留情不要去广告了,让我留点收入来源吧,要开始挣奶粉钱了) 2,短信和邮件的结尾处有小尾巴 3,去除了快捷pim弹框 4,去除了快捷邮件编辑弹框 5,不支持4.6及以下版本的机器 P.S.下现在QuickBubble也是我负责更新维护了,然后Handrapid整个站朋友给我了,之后会慢慢的整合资源了,该符合国情的会符合国情,...
More ip caller related news:
How Web Hosting plays an important role in Search Engine Optimization? 7 May 2012 | 07:34 pm
Well, Web Hosting is one of the factors which are beneficial for Search Engine Optimization. It may help you different ways such as 1. IP Address Class 2. Downtime 3. Website Speed Now, I...
PirateBay blocked by your operator? Here is an easy fix! 10 Jan 2012 | 06:42 am
The Finnish broadband and mobile operator Elisa has made headlines today by blocking the well known BitTorrent tracker and website PirateBay from it’s network. The IP based blocking of the operator, w...
Why You Should Think About When Picking An SEO Webhost 28 May 2012 | 03:54 am
If you would like use a multiple IP website hosting service, you will recognize that HostSEO is among the very best in the market. There are numerous functions which will make HostSEO the ideal web ho...
Ziyaretçi – The Caller – BRRip – 2011 – Tr Dublaj 22 Jan 2012 | 04:08 pm
Yapım: 2011 ~ ABD, PortoRiko Tür: Gerilim, Gizem, Suç Yönetmen: Matthew Parkhill Oyuncular: Rachelle Lefevre, Stephen Moyer, Luis Guzmán, Brian Tester, Lorna Raver, Alfredo De Quesada, Aris Mejias,...
iYogi joins hands with Verizon Business 10 Apr 2012 | 11:02 pm
iYogi in the news Get the latest iYogi joins hands with Verizon Business 10 March, 2010 MUMBAI, USA: Verizon Business extended its integrated IP networking and applications management solutions to...
Pasang CCTV, WiFI, VOIP Wireless PABX, IP-Cam Surabaya 7 May 2011 | 06:45 pm
Kapan hari di telpon bos lama yang sekarang renovasi kantor,dia minta tolong dicarikan orang buat instalasi CCTV ama absensi di kantor suasana baru karena SDMnya sudah banyak.Namanya juga mantan bos d...
Reverse Phone Number Look Up 4 Jan 2012 | 07:04 am
This has happened to all of us. You miss a call and the caller didn’t leave a message. Now you are left wondering who called and why they called. This happens most often on our cell phones. Before the...
sg 11 Apr 2011 | 10:01 pm
O nas... Serwis działa nieprzerwanie od 2004 roku. Podstawową funkcjonalnością Serwisu jest umożliwienie przypisania do aktualnie używanego adresu IP stałej, niezmiennej nazwy, ak...
简单设置无线路由器防止蹭网卡,提高无线局域网稳定性 16 Dec 2011 | 12:02 am
如果你使用无线路由器,玩网游,你会发现网络不稳定,很多事情ping值非常高。 无论你使用什么路由器都有这样的状况。 默认情况下无线路由器支持很多种速率,很多种协议。 通常有 支持的标准和协议:IEEE802.3、IEEE802.3u、IEEE802.3x、TCP/IP、DHCP、ICMP 、NAT、PPPoE、IEEE802.11b、IEEE802.11g、IEEE802.11n、IEEE...
Popular iPhone and BlackBerry Apps for Bloggers 10 Oct 2009 | 04:59 am
If you are a blogger who is on-the-go and do not have access or time for blogging from a PC, this post is for you. I have provided links to some handy applications that will help you blog from your iP...