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VPN for iPhone, iPod, iPad : Free 29 Jun 2012 | 08:17 pm
VPN services are getting very common these days to protect one’s identity online! And if you are one of those who uses a lot of internet on your Gadgets apart from a computer, i.e. on your iPad, iPhon...
VPN for iPhone, iPod, iPad : Free 29 Jun 2012 | 08:17 pm
VPN services are getting very common these days to protect one’s identity online! And if you are one of those who uses a lot of internet on your Gadgets apart from a computer, i.e. on your iPad, iPhon...
Android(安卓)手机设置VPN的教程! 25 Sep 2011 | 11:18 pm
第一步: 打开手机主菜单,选择“设置”,然后选择“无线和网络” 第二步:选择“虚拟专用网设置” 第三步:选择“添加虚拟专用网” 第四步:选择“添加L2TP/IPSec PSK V P N” 第五步:点击输入虚拟专用网名称“l2tp”(此名称可自己随便定义) 第六步:点击填写您所登录的服务器地址,如查看VPN帐户选项卡中的服务器地址列表),点击“确定” 第...
Importance of Android VPN , iphone VPN and Ipad VPN 20 Apr 2012 | 01:17 pm
With the recent development in smart phone technology we have seen some amazing smart phones like Apple iPhones and Android Phones. Android Phones have been, since their introduction, acclaimed critic...
SUPER VPN Hizmeti 26 Apr 2011 | 07:16 am
Geçenlerde ben de teknolojideki Apple devrimine kendimi kaptırarak yeni çıkan IPAD 2 lerden bir tane edindim kendime. apple dünyası ile ilk tanışmam olması sebebiyle hemen neler yapabileceğime şöyle b...
Cryptzone udostępnił klienta VPN/AppGate dla urządzeń iPhone oraz iPad 9 May 2011 | 08:57 pm
Oferowane rozwiązanie jest systemem kontroli dostępu opartym na rolach użytkowników, integrującym funkcjonalności zapewniające bezpieczeństwo z technologią VPN. Przeczytaj całą wiadomość na
Virtual Private Network (VPN) on iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch) 29 Jan 2011 | 02:05 am
Virtual Private Networks (VPN) are often used within organizations to allow you to communicate private information securely over a public network. You may need to configure VPN, for example, to access...
Sync Your iPhone/iPad With iTunes Over 3G with Wi-Fi Sync 2.0 6 Aug 2010 | 06:42 am
Developer Greg Hughes of Wi-Fi Sync has announced a new version of Wi-Fi Sync over 3G and VPN. Wi-Fi Sync 2.0 is in the works: lots of bug fixes, proper iPad/iPhone 4 support… oh, and sync over 3G an...
Konfigurasi VPN KlikBCA Bisnis di iPhone, iPad dan iPod Touch 15 Sep 2011 | 06:38 pm
Tweet Tidak seperti layanan KlikBCA untuk pengguna pribadi, layanan KlikBCA Bisnis membutuhkan koneksi VPN ke server BCA sebelum pengguna dapat mengakses situs web KlikBCA Bisnis. Berikut adalah konf...
Einfache Konfiguration von iOS Geräten für Lancom-Router 17 Aug 2012 | 05:45 pm
Die Gratis-App „Lancom myVPN“ übernimmt die Konfiguration des auf iPads und iPhones vorinstallierten VPN-Clients für eine IPsec-VPN-Anbindung an Lancom-Router.