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Hanging with Friends iOS Update 4.12 9 Dec 2011 | 02:40 am
Today Zynga rolled out a shiny new update to Hanging with Friends for iOS (iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Android will probably have to keep waiting…). I just downloaded it to my iPhone 4S. I’m happy to...
Android Tablet Pc Important Applications 18 May 2012 | 03:24 pm
The actual developing recognition associated with android pill computer has had thorough impact on COMPUTER users' encounter routines. Aside through apple ipad, android tablet PC is certainly regarded...
The Windows 8 Experience 24 Mar 2012 | 05:56 am
Microsoft’s Windows 8 appears to be pretty impressive, and at the same time it is expected to encounter plenty of challenges from iPads, Android tablets, Mac OS X, and above all from the satisfied Win...
Need Iphone/Ipad/ Android App Developers 23 Jun 2011 | 09:16 am
Looking for developer who has done popular games for mobile platforms (ipad/iphone/android) Looking for video/ photo/ gps capable developers. Please contact me with a list of the games you have done. ...
[網頁] 如何把手機用戶自動跳轉到手機版網頁 13 Sep 2010 | 06:10 pm
如果想要做到題目上的效果,本人提供的作法為檢查用戶的瀏覽器User-Agent,再作出相對的行動 以下的範例可以做到iPhone, iPod, iPad, Android, BlackBerry, Nokia等手機的轉向 方式一:使用JavaScript 當然,使用Javascipt會有相對比較大的延遲,我們可以改用伺服器的語言來作出更快捷的重新定向,例子使用PHP 方式二:使用PHP ...
iPad-Android ถูก “ทวีต” บ่อยสุดปี 2010 18 Dec 2010 | 08:01 am
iPad อุปกรณ์ยอดฮิตของแอปเปิลและระบบปฏิบัติการ Android ของกูเกิล เป็น 2 ใน 10 ประเด็นร้อนที่ถูก”ทวีต” ผ่านเว็บไซต์ทวิตเตอร์บ่อยที่สุดในปี 2010 ร่วมด้วยคำว่า BP Oil Spill จากเหตุการณ์น้ำมันรั่วในอ่าวเม็...
IPhone, iPod, iPad, Android… la battaglia si fa’ interessante! 13 Sep 2010 | 05:47 am
Ok, ancora la stagione non è finita ma, trattandosi di percentuali, possiamo anche rivelare il trend di crescita dell’utilizzo di dispositivi mobili per “navigare” le reti wifi delle strutture ricetti...
WebReader News RSS Reader for iPhone, iPad, Android, PlayBook and Kindle Fire 13 Mar 2012 | 03:14 am
Our main goal is to create a powerfull, clean and easy to use rss reader across all platforms and devices and make WebReader your personal newspaper. So we started to develop the rss reader for iPhon...
Lieblings-App für iPad,… 22 Aug 2011 | 10:58 pm
Apple Produkte und deren nahestende Gerätesind bei Blogparaden recht beliebt. So fragt auch dies Blogparade Lieblings – App für iPhone, iPad, Android, WP7 nach der Lieblingsapp. Auch wenns zu spät ist...
MobBase Offers Artists Free Mobile Web App To Connect With Fans On iPhones, Androids, Tablets & Other Devices 9 May 2012 | 01:00 am
MobBase introduced today a new, free way for artists to build just one mobile app that connects with fans on any Internet-enabled screen, including iPhones and iPads, Android phones and tablets, and B...