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Apple iPad, tablet disruption: Five devices in trouble | ZDNet 7 May 2011 | 06:38 am
Nielsen is confirming what many tech watchers already knew: Apple’s iPad and Android tablets are eating into PC and laptop usage. However, other devices are likely to take sales hits too. According t...
Which One is Best? – Apple iPad or Android Tablet 15 Nov 2011 | 07:35 pm
There has been much debate over which product is better, iPad 2 or Android Honeycomb tablet. Well both products are extremely efficient and provide the best user experience, and both are expensive too...
“Game of Flex” on tablets 8 Dec 2011 | 02:23 am
I’m very happy to announce that “Game of Flex” is available for iPad and Android tablets users (it will be soon available for BlackBerry PlayBook users). Last week, we released Flex 4.6 with great add...
Live tv-kijken op computer, iPad of Android tablet met Telfort 6 Mar 2012 | 02:33 am
TV kijken via internet is tegenwoordig heel normaal, maar het kijken ervan op verschillende apparaten is nog niet zo makkelijk voor iedereen Daarom stelt Telfort deze nieuwe dienst beschikbaar voor k...
iPad Vs Android: What's The Best Tablet? 19 Aug 2011 | 06:07 am
Welcome to the technology wars. Whenever something new on the market it was not long before everyone has a version. Choosing the best that he should not be predicated on the bells and whistles, but th...
Logitechs neues Zubehör für iPads und Android-Tablets 20 May 2011 | 12:15 am
Tablet-PCs revolutionieren unser digitales Leben: Logitech liefert ab sofort innovatives Zubehör für iPads und Android-Tablets und perfektioniert damit den Einsatz der mobilen Minirechner. Egal, ob de...
Android Tabletiniz için Pratik İpuçlari 27 Jul 2012 | 11:10 pm
Android‘li tabletler, her geçen gün daha iyi bir hale geliyor. Eğer bir iPad yerine Android tablet aldıysanız, pişman olmanız gereken bir şey yapmadınız. Android’li tabletiniz ile yapamayacağınız şey ...
The iPad versus android tablet when it comes to web browsing 7 Aug 2012 | 02:05 am
There are numerous different mobile options for fans of these devices to choose from nowadays, with the decision about which device to go with often being a matter either of brand loyalty, or what the...
FOCUS Magazin on Tablet – produced with Adobe DPS and vjoon 13 Sep 2012 | 07:32 pm
FOCUS introduces along with their print edition 38/2012 (Sunday, 16.09.12) a new Tablet-App for iPad and Android-Tablets. The technical implementation was realized by SNAP Innovation and Burda Digita...
Casino Tropez il Migliori Casino Online Per iPad e Android 29 Sep 2012 | 07:08 pm
Casino Tropez Mobile ha appena lanciato una nuovissima e aggiornata versione dei suoi giochi di casinò per cellulari compatibile con Apple Iphone, Ipad e Android Tablet.(tablet e smartphone) Casino Tr...