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Social Media Image Sizes 31 Jul 2013 | 04:18 pm
Social Media Dimensions – the list you need to have! An impressive list of social media design sizes from the lovely people at Tent Social – how much work has that saved you? Social Media Design Dimen...
The Quick Guide to Hashtags 6 Jun 2013 | 11:33 am
What are Hastags? The Quick Guide You’ve seen them, heard of them but what are they really about? How did they start? They started life as a method of organising groups and topics on IRC networks. Thi...
More ipads and education related news:
iPad For Education Revisited 3 Nov 2011 | 10:56 am
It’s been four weeks and my iPad still has that new computer smell. Now that I’ve been using it in my workflow I wanted to post some additional comments on it’s utility in an educational setting. In ...
iPads for Education 11 Feb 2012 | 01:36 pm
Colleges Dream of Paperless, iPad-centric Education 3 Apr 2012 | 06:03 pm
Three universities are getting pumped to hand out free iPads to students and faculty with hopes that Apple’s tablet will revolutionize education. Seton Hill University, George Fox University and Abil...
How’s The Apple Ipad Helpful For Children? 15 Jun 2012 | 08:50 pm
iPad with children A large number of parents make use of various applications of the iPad makes education more interesting and interactive for their children. Some applications are best for children ...
Ipads In Education 28 Jul 2012 | 06:07 pm
Each one of the iPad models available is useful in various areas of activity, including in education. That’s why this tablet is used not only by students, but also by teachers. I have managed to selec...
iPads in education 26 Oct 2012 | 04:25 am
What a headline from Talking Points Memo: Apple iPad Mini May Cause Problems For Education, McGraw Hill Exec Says. The interview is a doozy, but this whining from McGraw Hill senior vice president Vin...
The iPad in Education 27 Nov 2012 | 07:53 pm
Apple’s iPad is all the rage now in the education arena. Administrators walk around using their iPads to take notes and take pictures during walkthroughs, spot checks, and staff evaluations. Teachers ...
IEAR (weekly) 17 Feb 2013 | 06:30 pm
Learning and Teaching with iPads: Writing and publishing with Creative Book Builder Tags: learning, teaching, ipads, writing, publishing, ipad, apps, education, mobile, iOS, iPhone, ipodtouch, iBooks...
IEAR (weekly) 3 Mar 2013 | 06:30 pm
How To Create An App Library Tags: apps, ipad, ipads, library, education, mobile, app, Google Play, App Library, sharing Posted from Diigo. The rest of IEAR - I Education Apps Review group favorite ...
News Corp. to challenge Apple’s iPad in education with Amplify Tablet – Apple Insider 7 Mar 2013 | 08:26 am
TabTimes News Corp. to challenge Apple's iPad in education with Amplify Tablet Apple Insider News Corporation, parent company to Fox News, will enter the education sector this fall with not only a tab...