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Photoshop Actions That Mimic Instagram Filters 18 Feb 2012 | 07:23 pm
For those who don’t have an iPhone, an iPad, or an iPod Touch and want to apply Instagram-style photo effects without using instagram, Instagram Hero, Daniel Box has created much-loved filters to phot...
Emojify for iPhone transforms your photo pixels into ASCII-style emoji art 20 Aug 2013 | 06:34 pm
Emojify for iPhone transforms your photo pixels into ASCII-style emoji art: Emojify - not to be confused with Emojify - is a funky little iPhone app that transforms pictures into ASCII-style emoji ar...
Lets Social Network. Why don't you "Like" me? 14 Mar 2013 | 04:49 pm
Photo by Tommy Ton for Shirt Marc Jacobs, Jewellery Vintage and Cartier and Iphone Personalised by Crystal Skins. I'm now on Facebook! I know this is much over due, but better late than ne...
submitted by lillesiim Hi. Here’s my first EDC... 19 Jan 2013 | 01:06 am
submitted by lillesiim Hi. Here’s my first EDC photo. Fuji X10 with Gordys strap iPhone 4 Moleskine notebook Shkira horween wallet Sterile submariner homage Fenix LD01 Leatherman Style CS Kin...
238- Daddy cool, the fierce son and the adorable puffy dogs 13 Aug 2013 | 04:14 pm
- Hi everybody. I hope you had a great week end. Mine was devoted to work as usual : editing and adding a new 90 pictures photo album in my very entertaining Style and the City iPhone iPad fashion app...
複数の切り抜きをレイアウト可能に。写真を切り抜いてレトロなコラージュ風画像に加工できる『Retromatic』2.0 [iPhone] 26 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
写真をレトロなコラージュ風の画像に加工する iPhone アプリケーション What’s New Images exactly fit to instagram size. Feature to import additional photos. New Graphic Packages and 3 Free Wallpapers. New retro-style filter adde...
Fotos from Saudi Gravity Co. Revolutionizes Photo Manager Apps 27 Aug 2013 | 08:36 pm
iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users who are looking for a revolutionary new photo manager app that uniquely brings together refreshing ease, cool style and exclusive features, can now download the Fotos...