Most iphone custom firmware related news are at:

El iPhone 5S podría estar también disponible en color grafito 27 Aug 2013 | 12:24 am
Según podemos ver en el blog de Sonny Dickson , además de estar disponible en color dorado como tercer color, el iPhone 5S podría estar disponible en un cuarto color, el grafito . Si os fijáis bien, e...
Edición de fotos con PhotoStation en el Iphone 26 Aug 2013 | 03:42 am
PhotoStation pone la potencia y la versatilidad de la edición de escritorio en la palma de tu mano. Con funciones avanzadas como las capas y la herramienta de selección con lápiz (Bézier) (por primera...
More iphone custom firmware related news:
Liberación y bloqueo de bootloader de Nokia 710 30 May 2012 | 12:18 pm
La instalación de custom firmwares en nokia Lumia 710 y 800 es posible gracias a un descubrimiento de un dispositivo con el bootloader liberado (unlocked), esto permitió el desarrollo de firmwares mo...
DGTeam Firmwares for the Netgear DG834GT and other Netgear Routers 21 May 2012 | 09:24 pm
You asked it i found it For some reason the dgteam site is closed. Many of you are searching the custom firmware for the netgear routers. Here are the download links for dgteam custom firmware . C...
How to Unlock & Jailbreak ANY Iphone on firmware 3.1.3 ( baseband 05.12.01 ) 7 Nov 2011 | 02:05 am
Download Greensn0w : Mirror link: Greensn0w is a program that unlocks & jailbreaks any iphone or ipod touch Just fallow the steps in the video and jailbreak & unlock any ap...
Đã có Absinthe 2.0.2 để Jailbreak untethered iOS 5.1.1 với iPhone 4 firmware 9B208 28 May 2012 | 04:04 pm
Như chúng tôi đã đưa tin, ngày 25/5 vừa qua Apple đã âm thầm cập nhật bản build mới cho iOS 5.1.1 đối với các thiết bị iPhone 4 GSM lên build 9B208 và bản jailbreak Absinthe 2.0, 2.0.1 không hoạt động...
Custom iOS 4.1 für iPod 3G/4G 25 Oct 2010 | 09:44 pm
WICHTIG: auf dem Gewinnspiel Blog ist ganz OBEN der Zugang zu den Firmware Files!! Wie angekündet hier die Custom Firmware IPSW für den iPod Touch 3G und 4G. Wichtig: Die IPSW Dateien wurden mit 7ZIP ...
Pwnage Tool für iOS 4.1 erschienen 21 Oct 2010 | 06:16 pm
Gestern hat das DevTeam die neuste Version ihres Custom Firmware Tool Pwnage veröffentlicht. Damit lassen sich Custom Firmwares für die Geräte iPhone 3G/3GS das neue iPhone 4, die iPod Touch Generatio...
Custom Firmware 6.35 Pro-B3 per tutti i modelli di PSP. *UPDATE* 13 Mar 2011 | 09:15 pm
Salve a tutti! Vista la scena PSP di questo periodo c’era da aspettarselo…Finalmente i developers Coldbird e VirtuousFlame hanno rilasciato un Custom Firmware per le nostre PSP! Questo Custom Firmware...
Modifica PS3 con firmware 3.55 o inferiore (Kmeaw Custom firmware). 1 Feb 2011 | 08:03 am
Salve a tutti! Questi giorni, come avete visto anche nella sezione PSP, nei siti di consolle in generale è scoppiato un casino immenso riguardo alle consolle Sony e l’avvio di Homebrew firmati. Non a ...
Verizon iPhone Customers - Special Verizon iPhone Accessories Offer from - Free Dual USB Car Charger 10 Feb 2011 | 09:45 pm Verizon iPhone Special Offer - Free promotion At this very moment thousands of new Verizon customers are signing up and purchasing their iPhones. is giving away a free...
Verizon iPhone Customers - Special Verizon iPhone Accessories Offer from A free Dual USB Charger with your iPhone Accessory purchase... 10 Feb 2011 | 09:40 pm Verizon iPhone Special Offer - Free promotion At this very moment thousands of new Verizon customers are signing up and purchasing their iPhones. is giving away a free...