Most iphone errore 1013 related news are at:

Multa per Facebook: dovrà risarcire gli utenti per problemi relativi alla privacy 27 Aug 2013 | 06:36 pm
Multa per Facebook: dovrà risarcire gli utenti per problemi relativi alla privacy Se ti è interessato questo articolo continua a leggere il post originale Qui, oppure scrivi cosa ne pensi con un comm...
Facebook, arrivano gli Album Condivisi 27 Aug 2013 | 02:47 pm
Dopo il rientro dalle vacanze quasi sicuramente creerete un album fotografico su Facebook. Stessa procedura per ogni altro evento importante, in questo modo i ricordi saranno indelebili e alla portata...
More iphone errore 1013 related news:
How to fix iPhone Restore Error 1015 on Mac and Windows 19 Jul 2011 | 09:15 pm
Error 1015 occurs on iPhone 3G and 3Gs when you restore or downgrade your iOS 4.x to an older version, i.e. 3.1.2 or 3.1.3. The iPhone error 1015 normally occurs at the end of the downgrade/restore pr...
iOS 4.3 Beta Firmware Update Error 1013 27 Jan 2011 | 03:03 am
If you see error 1013 in iTunes or “unrecognized bbupdater error” in Xcode, when trying to restore your iPhone, check your hosts file: /etc/hosts The entry is added to po...
[Solución] iTunes Error 3194, Error 21 o Error 1013 14 Nov 2012 | 03:57 pm
Introducción al error 3194, 21 o 1013 Si llegaste a este articulo es probablemente debido a que estas intentando restaurar un dispositivo iOS. Si necesitas dejar un comentario, lee la sección “Guía ...
Mengatasi iPhone Error …. 1 Jun 2013 | 12:14 am
Error 3194, 3002 dan 14 sering terjadi pada perangkat berbasis sistem operasi iOS. Error ini dapat terjadi ketika Anda melakukan upgrade, downgrade, atau restore perangkat iPhone, iPad atau iPod Anda....
[Solución] iTunes Error 3194, Error 21 o Error 1013 14 Nov 2012 | 03:57 pm
Translated! For your convenience this post has been translated to English. Check it out here: [Solved] iTunes Error 3194, Error 21 and Error 1013 Introducción al error 3194, 21 o 1013 Si llegaste a ...
Herstel iTunes Error 3194, Error 21 en Error 1013 [Guide] 22 Aug 2013 | 10:28 pm
Er bestaat een kans dat je tijdens het downgraden, updaten of herstellen van je iPhone, iPad of iPod touch met iTunes een error melding krijgt. Meest voorkomende is de Error 3194 en Error 21 maar heel...
How-to Fix: The application-identifier entitlement is not formatted correctly 8 Jul 2010 | 06:42 pm
A new error has started showing up when submitting iPhone Apps through iTunes Connect: “The application-identifier entitlement is not formatted correctly; it should contain your 10-character App ID S...
Jailbreak iPhone iPad 2 and 4S in 4 easy steps 20 Apr 2012 | 10:35 pm
Finally I decided to make the Jailbreak my iPhone 2. Pulieran waiting for there are often errors at the start of all releases. And the tool is unavailable Absinthe. The truth is that it is a very ver...
How to fix most iPod/iPhone restore errors 25 Apr 2012 | 08:37 pm
Here's the question posted by "anonymous. "I updated software on my iPod Touch 4 and it now says that it needs to be restored but when I do it, unknown error (3014) comes up. Any ideas?" To answer th...
Since I got my iPhone right speaker does not work. It is a manufacturer error or it could be somehow set to play both speakers? 29 Feb 2012 | 09:18 pm
Since I got my iPhone right speaker does not work. It is a manufacturer error or it could be somehow set to play both speakers? Please?