Most iphoto 11 related news are at:

Playmobil triggers, or why I spend so much time on Twitter 15 Jul 2013 | 09:20 pm
Last night, my daughter decided to recreate our entire kitchen in Playmobil. The counters and kitchen furniture, a dog and three cats, a bowl in the island and silverware in the drawer just where we k...
Volunteers 4 Jul 2013 | 10:37 pm
My garden this year is mostly populated by volunteers, and a good thing too, otherwise there wouldn't be much there. There are several patches of Mexican sunflowers, and a couple of surprise pumpkins ...
More iphoto 11 related news:
Aggiornamento iPhoto 9.1.1 24 Dec 2010 | 01:42 am
E' stato rilasciato ieri un aggiornamento per iPhoto della suite iLife 11... L'aggiornamento è consigliato a tutti gli utenti di iPhoto 11 e porta con se diversi miglioramenti e alcuni bugfix. Qui di ...
iPhoto 11 – Cảm nhận ban đầu 27 Mar 2012 | 08:04 pm
Tổng quan về những nâng cấpVề tổng thể, iPhoto 11 vẫn chỉ là những nâng cấp được người sử dụng hằng mong mỏi từ những khiếm khuyết từ phiên bản trước đó. Chẳng hạn, nếu muốn chia sẻ những tấm ảnh lên ...
Aggiornamento Compatibilità RAW 3.14 29 Jun 2012 | 10:40 pm
Aggiornamento Compatibilità RAW 3.14 per fotocamera digitale Questo aggiornamento aggiunge ad Aperture 3 e iPhoto '11 la compatibilità con immagini RAW per le seguenti fotocamere: • Canon EOS Reb...
Apple Raw Compatibility updates 4.06 adds Canon EOS 100D / Rebel SLT and Nikon D7100 10 Jun 2013 | 12:13 pm
Apple updates its RAW engine catalog with 9 new cameras now supported by Max OS X, 10.8 and which allows your photos to be displayed by you Mac as well as being edited in Aperture 3 and iPhoto ’11. Up...
How to Email Pictures from iPhoto Using 11 Feb 2013 | 10:24 pm
Update: If you are using iPhoto 11, you can simply go to Preferences > “Email photos using” iPhoto Email Fail The Best Kitties; The Worst Email App iPhoto 11 added an awful new built-in email servi...
Apple Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update 4.08 Adds Support for Canon 70D & More 26 Aug 2013 | 03:04 am
Apple has issued an update to Digital Camera RAW 4.08, which adds RAW image compatibility for the following cameras to Aperture 3 and iPhoto ’11: Canon EOS 70D Fujifilm X-M1 Leica M Leica M Monoch...
Apple Issues Digital Camera RAW Update 4.08 for Aperture 3 and iPhoto 11 23 Aug 2013 | 02:36 am
Apple has released a new download for Aperture 3 and iPhoto 11 users adding RAW support for the following cameras: Canon EOS 70D Fujifilm X-M1 Leica M Leica M Monochrom Nikon COOLPIX P330 Olympu...
Apple releases Digital Camera Raw Compatibility Update 4.08 23 Aug 2013 | 08:43 pm
Late Thursday, Apple posted its Digital Camera Raw Compatibility Update 4.08, an update designed to extend RAW image compatibility for the Aperture 3 and iPhoto ’11 applications. The update, a 6.9 me...
デジタルカメラ RAW 互換性アップデート 4.08 [Mac] 23 Aug 2013 | 08:20 am
このアップデートは、Aperture 3 および iPhoto ’11 に以下のカメラの RAW ファイルフォーマットとの互換性を追加します: Canon EOS 70D Fujifilm X-M1 Leica M Leica M Monochrom Nikon COOLPIX P330 Pentax 645D Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX1R Sony Cyber...
Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update 23 Aug 2013 | 01:30 am
Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update 4.08 このアップデートは、Aperture 3 および iPhoto ’11 に以下のカメラの RAW ファイルフォーマットとの互換性を追加します: Canon EOS 70D Fujifilm X-M1 Leica M Leica M Monochrom Nikon COOLPIX P330 Pen...