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Chat IRC Hispano para Android 26 Jan 2012 | 09:36 am
Desde hace poco más de una semana, las aplicaciones de chat en Android Market tienen un nuevo integrante, y en este caso no se trata de uno cualquiera, sino de IRC Hispano, una aplicación que permite ...
android ICS 4.0.3 USB & Wifi tethering modem hanging and timeout problem solved 22 Jun 2012 | 12:23 pm
I have Samsung Galaxy Note N7000 with rooted android ICS 4.0.3 with super user access. I used to use my mobile 3G internet connection via my laptop using USB tethering Read more »
Making Money With Android On IRC 6 Nov 2012 | 01:33 pm
Hi everyone! Forum member Gabriele (megasoft78) recently posted a thread about creating an IRC channel for this website. This would provide an avenue for realtime discussion, and another way of exchan...
Mozilla Francophone : Découvrez WebRTC dans Firefox sur PC et mobile, et aidez-nous à le tester 21 Jun 2013 | 09:44 pm
Source : Discover and Help Test WebRTC in Firefox for Android and Firefox on Desktop - Testday Traduction : clochix, vjousse, pandark Date : Vendredi 21 Juin, 2013 Lieu : IRC :: ::...
Making Money With Android On IRC 6 Nov 2012 | 01:33 pm
Hi everyone! Forum member Gabriele (megasoft78) recently posted a thread about creating an IRC channel for this website. This would provide an avenue for realtime discussion, and another way of excha...
Come scaricare con Android - Xdcc 17 Jul 2013 | 11:35 pm
Tutti conoscete mIRC e le sue potenzialità. Ovviamente non sto parlando solo della chat, ma della possibilità di usare il noto client IRC come downloader di film, musica, ebook, programmi e quant'altr...
用 irssi + xmpp 連上 HipChat… 19 Aug 2013 | 06:57 pm
HipChat 算是個很有趣的服務,不過實際使用後可以發現效率沒有 command line 的 irssi 好,畢竟 irc 就是以溝通為主的工具。 但 HipChat 可以保留紀錄並且透過 iOS 及 Android device 存取的特性彌補了這個缺點,甚至掩蓋掉原來的缺點。所以接下來就是想辦法用 irssi 連上 HipChat,如果可以的話就可以兼顧了… 網路上其實有不少資料,ir...
Update dri-log Android app 24 Aug 2013 | 06:55 pm
I'd like to announce an update for the dri-log Android app users, the mobile version the DRI IRC log. The app recently gained with a complete redesigned UI and now is in a really good state for everyd...
26-08-13 | IRC Proxy Servers (1510) 26 Aug 2013 | 06:24 pm
1510 fresh checked IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Proxy Servers Checked with IRC Proxy Checker (Timeout 5)
25-08-13 | IRC Proxy Servers (1350) 25 Aug 2013 | 12:45 am
1350 fresh checked IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Proxy Servers Checked with IRC Proxy Checker (Timeout 5)