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Tr-State Event Listings August 21-27, 2013 21 Aug 2013 | 05:19 pm
Irish Labor 100 2013 – Honoring Irish-America’s Labor Legacy. A Celebratory Dinner will be held on Thursday, October 24, 2013, honoring Irish-America’s Labor Legacy. In honor of the centennial anniver...
National Event Listings August 21-27 21 Aug 2013 | 05:19 pm
Arizona The Irish American Gaelic Society of Tucson meets third Sunday of month at VFW Post 549, 1884 S. Caycroft, Phoenix. Details, (520) 586-4513. The Irish Foundation of Arizona meets first Wed...
More irish echo newspaper related news:
What Motherhood has Taught me about Management 13 Jul 2011 | 07:24 am
I wrote about the Mommy Brain in a previous post as well as in a 17 June Irish Examiner newspaper article titled “Mum Knows Best.” As per National Institutes of Mental Health neuroscientist Dr. Pilyou...
THIS IS IT! 30 Mar 2010 | 02:32 am
As I reviewed Ireland’s Rich List 2010 in one of the Irish Sunday newspapers yesterday I was encouraged to see people thriving in what they do. The richest Irish person in the world is Palolonji Shapo...
James Taylor to Play on Queen Mary 2 Crossing 4 Feb 2009 | 10:00 am
The Irish Herald newspaper is reporting that folk music legend James Taylor has found a novel way of getting his entourage across the Atlantic to play Ireland and Britain this summer -- singing for hi...
Sunderland Echo Newspapers 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am has joined forces with the Sunderland Echo to bring you personalised Sunderland Echo Newspapers. Together, we offer you the chance to put anyone you want on the front page the Sunderl...
The very best at our doorstep and for free 20 Aug 2013 | 08:38 pm
The column below appears in this week's INM Irish regional newspapers. Michael Commane Mangerton Mountain looking down on Glencappul. The sky was overcast in West Kerry on the morning of Sat...
IRISH NEWSPAPERS LINKS 16 Apr 2012 | 11:03 pm
Irish Newspapers: Direct links to your National News Papers.
Mixed fortunes in a circulation war of attrition 6 Sep 2011 | 11:40 pm
Among the odd trends to emerge from the new set of print sales figures was that some British newspapers are performing better in Ireland than they are at home. While all the main Irish national newsp...
Smoking bans and the Spanish inquisition 11 Jan 2011 | 02:55 pm
Do bans make people smoke less? asked the Irish Times on Saturday. Rare for an Irish newspaper to discuss the smoking ban and rarer still to see comments from opponents of the ban in any Irish publica...
Irish Couple wanted for Interview 4 Dec 2008 | 07:06 am
The Irish Daily Star Sunday newspaper, based in Dublin, is interested in doing a feature on an Irish couple who’s relationship has been affected by addictions to virtual computer games. If there is a...
On ADHD and the practice of science journalism 3 Oct 2012 | 01:06 am
About two weeks ago, the journal PLoS ONE published an article titled "Why Most Biomedical Findings Echoed by Newspapers Turn Out to be False: The Case of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder." A...