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Die Quoten von WWM 15 Sep 2012 | 12:41 am
Irgendwie schauen nicht mehr ganz so viele Menschen WWM … deswegen gibt es mal wieder Spekulationen ob sich an der Sendung etwas ändern soll. Unter … /Jauch-will-keine-hektischen-N...
Pub Quiz in Gießen 15 Sep 2012 | 12:38 am
Ja, auch in Gießen kann man Spaß haben! Jeden 2ten Donnerstag kann man im Café Amélie Pub Quiz spielen. Genauer steht es hier:
More irish pub quiz stuttgart related news:
The Hazel Mangle Rivers Memorial Edition of the de Vere’s Irish Pub Pub Quiz Newsletter 27 Aug 2013 | 04:54 am
Dear Friends of the Pub Quiz, This past weekend we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the “March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom,” in which, as every Davis schoolchild could tell you, Martin Luthe...
The Hair-Twirling Swellhead Edition of the de Vere’s Irish Pub Pub Quiz Newsletter 19 Aug 2013 | 11:31 pm
Dear Friends of the Pub Quiz, Why would you write about Penelope in the newsletter, my wife Kate asked. It’s a fair question. How do I choose any of these topics, really? Whereas I collect Pub Quiz q...
The Fleeting Muscle Memories of Summer Edition of the de Vere’s Irish Pub Pub Quiz Newsletter 22 Jul 2013 | 11:42 pm
Dear Friends of the Pub Quiz, I spent an hour or so this morning at the UC Davis Rec Pool, watching my seven year-old son Truman enjoy a private swimming lesson. Such lessons help to transform the po...
The Lucid Dreaming about Trayvon Edition of the de Vere’s Irish Pub Pub Quiz Newsletter 16 Jul 2013 | 12:02 am
Dear Friends of the Pub Quiz, I once heard a comedian say recently that if you are not Dr. Martin Luther King, people are not going to be interested in your dreams. My friend the LA record executive ...
The Exploring Frivolity Edition of the de Vere’s Irish Pub Pub Quiz Newsletter 8 Jul 2013 | 11:46 pm
Dear Friends of the Pub Quiz, I hope you can join us again tonight, for we have such fun at the Pub Quiz, especially in the summertime when so many old friends can return to Davis from their other jo...
The Dangers of Paula Deen Edition of the de Vere’s Irish Pub Pub Quiz Newsletter 1 Jul 2013 | 11:40 pm
Dear Friends of the de Vere’s Irish Pub Pub Quiz, One of the regular readers of this newsletter commented on my diatribe against mobility scooters for largely able-bodied people who refuse to exercis...
The Disneyland Mobility Scooters Edition of the de Vere’s Irish Pub Pub Quiz Newsletter 25 Jun 2013 | 12:22 am
Dear Friends of the Pub Quiz, As many of you know, earlier this month I spent almost a week at Disneyland, also known to children and Disney marketers as “The Happiest Place on Earth.” I myself have ...
The Endurance of Disney Edition of the de Vere’s Irish Pub Pub Quiz Newsletter 17 Jun 2013 | 10:30 pm
Dear Friends of the Pub Quiz, Tonight’s Pub Quiz will be sub-hosted by the amiable and able Nat — the teacher, actor, and Gandalf impersonator — for he received so many stellar reviews the last time h...
The Cravatted Professor Doogie Edition of the de Vere’s Irish Pub Pub Quiz Newsletter 11 Jun 2013 | 02:05 am
Dear Friends of the Pub Quiz, Today is the last day of the school year that I have to wear a tie. My favorite professor of medieval studies, Kevin Roddy, used to teach in his full academic robes, as...
The Jean Stapleton Memorial Edition of the de Vere’s Irish Pub Pub Quiz Newsletter 4 Jun 2013 | 01:13 am
Dear Friends of the Pub Quiz, Edith Bunker is a feminist icon, even though she’s known primarily as the somewhat batty wife of an amiably bigoted husband, Archie Bunker. Sometimes in the early 1980s a...