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– My Socrates Note
Jenny McCarthy Strawman Fallacies, Take Two 20 Jul 2013 | 03:37 am
This has been an interesting week, has it not? First, there was the Zimmerman trial and the outrageous response to his acquittal. Then, there was news of Gay marriage being legalized in England. Then...
The Death of Alex Spourdalakis Cynically Expoited by David Gorski and his Sycophantic Lickspittles as Fuel for his Hatred of All Things he Deems Heret... 14 Jun 2013 | 08:43 pm
Whew…just the title seems like a mouthful, yes? Earlier this week, I was devastated to hear the news that Alex Spourdalakis was dead, apparently murdered. When I learned that his mother and god-mothe...