Most its pun intended.. related news are at:

August 19: Week in Review 26 Aug 2013 | 07:06 pm
Recently another blogger friend (who I have met in real […]
Sinful Sunday – Strawberry Shortcake Defiled 25 Aug 2013 | 06:53 pm
Oh no! what happened to poor Strawberry Shortcake? What did those bad bad men do to her? Click to find out...but remember, once see, it can't be UNSEEN. Oh the horror of it all...
More its pun intended.. related news:
Don't Cry For Me, Amy Pond 7 Apr 2012 | 11:18 am
It's nearly coming to a close for Amelia Pond and Rory Williams, but will they go out with a bang (no naughty pun intended)? Well, there seems to be a rumour going around... .
Baby Poop Preference 20 Apr 2012 | 09:28 am
Believe it or not I have actually caught myself wishing that Baby Boy’s crap-o-la was Stinky, several times this week! Yes, you heard right… I actually want his poop to smell shitty! (Small pun intend...
How to Select the Right Therapist For You 17 Apr 2012 | 04:18 pm
There are thousands upon thousands of psychotherapists in this country with over a few hundred in Grand Rapids alone. It is, you might say, a growth business (pun intended) but of course not all thera...
I am a Joke (Compared to This Guy) 10 Apr 2008 | 10:19 am
Hey to anyone who stumbles (pun intended) across this blog, or one of the few people who have subscribed to the RSS feed. First off I’d like to apologize for not updating in forever. I’m hard into ex...
Factors that Lead to Climate Change 30 May 2012 | 06:44 pm
Article Submit There is no doubt that climate change is currently a hot topic globally, no pun intended. All over the world folks are concerned that the climate patterns they are used to are changing...
Sweaters for Men 7 Jan 2012 | 05:21 am
Men, it’s time to add a hint of cool to your wardrobe. No pun intended—we’re talking about sweaters here, dear readers. Do us a favor and take off that hideous sports jacket, it doesn’t flatter your ...
SoonerCon 16 May 2012 | 07:44 am
Getting geared up, all puns intended, for SoonerCon in a few weeks. Hoping to have some new pieces ready to go.
Top 10 worst passwords of 2011 20 Nov 2011 | 01:13 am
No pun intended. ‘Password’ is the worst password of 2011, according to a list compiled by a software company. Next on the list are ’123456′ and ’12345678′. The ranking is compiled by SplashData – w...
Iverson-ish... 25 May 2012 | 06:51 am
Ok guys, so I've been seeing "Iverson" type braids all over the blogs, all over facebook... I love how they look and I thought I'd give it a shot (no pun intended). NBA ball player Allen Iverson has ...
FatFreeCRM: Free and Open Source CRM 1 Mar 2011 | 06:07 am
Free and Open Source CRM : FatFreeCRM FatFreeCRM is a bare-bones (no pun intended) web-based CRM app. The app is entirely open-source, so you can install it onto your website and customize it to your...