Most jack tripper biting hand related news are at: – Ann’s Rants — stay-at-home humorist

My #VOTY “Own Your Creativity” video: Taking a tricky piece of writing from page to stage 13 Aug 2013 | 07:00 pm

I start talking :35 seconds in. If you don’t see a video, click here. When BlogHer selected me to read one of my posts as part of their Voices of The Year keynote, I was shocked, thrilled, then daunt...

Back To School Supply List 8 Aug 2013 | 08:58 pm

All of the glue sticks. Nope. That’s not enough. All the small humans bathed and de-spirited 250 7AM MARIMBAS from the phone alarm you forgot to silence and left on your dresser across the room. Aga...

More jack tripper biting hand related news:

Veteran Loses Hand to a Tarpon in Florida on Memorial Day Weekend 31 May 2012 | 03:16 am

It’s disappointing to lose a fish, sure. But lose a fish and your hand? That’s a bad bite. That was the case for a veteran fishing in Boca Grand, Fla., over Memorial Day weekend. Jack Wiseman has a pr...

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