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– Pure Shiite
The Cinion Dilemma 30 Jul 2013 | 02:23 am
Fucking Cinions.....look at them Giler buruk perangai doe... Ada jugak yang semangat kental..sanggup beratur macam negara Komunis Interesting species these Cinions.... Predatory in every aspects.....
Risk Management of Tabung Hazeez 4 Jul 2013 | 03:54 pm
When Rocky broke the news (here) that Tabung Haji was gonna get Double E Azeez as its Chairman I said biar betik? Well I guess that piece of rumour is now cast in stone.... Rocky asked in his post ...
More jamaludin othman case related news:
Died by extrajudicial killing: Aidi Noor Hafizal Othman, Noor Azman Othman, Ahmad Soufa Ahman 6 Jun 2012 | 10:06 am
Yet another extrajudicial killing case :( SHOOT TO KILL! SAME OLD MODUS OPERANDI BY THE POLICE! SUARAM expresses regret over the deaths of 3 individuals, siblings Aidi Noor Hafizal Othman and Noor A...