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Website 20 Apr 2013 | 08:29 am
I will be slowly moving the better parts of this blog to my newly improved website. Please feel free to visit me there:
Artistic Magic Props 18 Jul 2012 | 11:13 am
I cannot say enough about the fine wood Chop Cup and Benson Bowls that Evanna hand crafts. They are true works of art that you can perform with in your everyday show. Go buy one. Or two. knottygirlwoo...
More james maloney james randi related news:
James Toney Is Legendary, Ya Heard?, Vows to Submit Randy Couture 4 Jun 2010 | 07:13 am
With Chael Sonnen slowly becoming the face of “shit talkers anonymous”, newly employed James Toney just had to get back into the limelight with this gem. According to sources in on the back story, T...
The Faith Healers 16 Jan 2012 | 07:00 pm
Author: James Randi Price: under $6.99 James Randi, the celebrated magician, has written a damning indictment of the faith-healing practices of the leading televangelists and others who claim divine...
James Randi et son offre d’un million de dollars à un médium québécois 2 Oct 2011 | 12:21 pm
James Randi Cette semaine, dans le cadre de sa visite à Montréal le 29 septembre dernier, le célèbre magicien et sceptique James Randi a lancé un défi d’un million de dollars au médium Roger Mainvill...
James Toney Pre UFC 118 interview 28 Aug 2010 | 02:17 pm Boxing legend James Toney discusses his MMA debut this Saturday at UFC 118 in Boston again UFC Hall of Famer Randy “The Natural” Couture. Tweet This! Digg this! ...
James Toney Will NOT Knockout Randy Couture 27 Jul 2010 | 02:04 pm
Over at Oliver Saenz recently wrote a piece entitled “Facing the Inevitable: James Toney Will Knockout Randy Couture. In the article he says that he finds it ludicrous to think that Tone...
James Randi. Una vita tra i misteri: non perdete il dvd 7 Jun 2013 | 11:00 am
E’ uscito il dvd che documenta lo straordinario giro italiano di James Randi dello scorso anno. Potete richiederlo qui, sul bookshop del CICAP: non fatevelo sfuggire! Qui sotto trovate una presentazio...
Nikita Von James 23 Jun 2013 | 06:00 pm
Randy Russian vixen, Nikita Von James, has a naturally explosive sexual side that she has decided not to contain. Instead of trying to suppress her carnal urges, she has come to embrace them and she ...