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Northern Exposure: Season 2 (1991) 9 Jul 2011 | 04:23 am
Recommended USA Television Series Creators: Joshua Brand, John Falsey Cast: Rob Morrow, Janine Turner, Barry Corbin, Darren E. Burrows, John Cullum, Cynthia Geary, Elaine Miles, Peg Phillips The ...
Northern Exposure: Season 1 (1990) 8 Jul 2011 | 11:33 pm
Recommended USA Television Series Creators: Joshua Brand, John Falsey Cast: Rob Morrow, Janine Turner, Barry Corbin, Darren E. Burrows, John Cullum, Cynthia Geary, Elaine Miles, Peg Phillips A ne...
LOOK-EN-COULISSE. 11 Jan 2007 | 03:24 am
Beaux débuts, parfois tristes fins, de quelques bonnes vieilles « love stories » célèbres. (5) Lana Turner,Une vie amoureuse en forme de polar . Elle naît...
Week 3 Hot Pickups: Snelling, Thomas, Murphy 23 Sep 2010 | 09:51 am
1. RB JASON SNELLING, Falcons Michael Turner (groin) says he’ll be fine for Week 3, but Snelling (186 total yards, 3 TDs) looked great in his absence and is an obvious handcuff with big-time upside. ...
The Turner-Neal Awkwardness Index 26 Apr 2012 | 04:12 pm
In all the talk about Wikipedia’s effects on academia, how people consume information, and the internet at large, I feel like one point gets consistently left out: it makes weird people weirder. I hav...
Evan Lysacek will be on Dancing with the Stars 2 Mar 2010 | 04:08 pm
As a fan of the show, all I can say is.... YAY!!!!!!!! Other contestants are, courtesy of EW: Pamela Anderson, "the world’s sexiest woman" Chad Ochocinco, "football’s most outrageous" Aiden Turner, ...
Do You Trust a Billionaire Convention? 21 May 2009 | 07:36 am
Does anyone else get nervous when a bunch of liberal billionaires get together to discuss how to spend their money in a collaborative effort? A gathering including George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah Win...
Bagaimana Rokok Bisa Menyebabkan Gangguan Kehamilan Dan Kegagalan Janin? 11 May 2011 | 10:00 pm
Di antara wanita hamil yang perduli dan merawat kandungannya dengan baik, beberapa persen diantaranya memilih untuk tidak perduli. Meskipun berbahaya, diperkirakan hampir 20 persen wanita hamil tetap ...
Andrea Bannister, Elena, Susan, nicky, janine ford, Phil replied to the topic Re: pics ov sky :-) in the forum. 30 May 2012 | 09:15 am
Andrea Bannister, Elena, Susan, nicky, janine ford, Phil replied to the topic Re: pics ov sky :-) in the forum.
Akurat Deteksi Kelainan Janin Dengan USG 20 Jan 2009 | 04:38 pm
Akurat Deteksi Kelainan Janin Dengan USG Pemeriksaan USG kehamilan disarankan untuk dilakukan agar perkembangan janin dapat dilihat. Dengan USG 2D, 3D, ataupun 4D, bisa dideteksi kelainan yang mungki...