Most jasmine star website related news are at:

If I Had $500 to Spend on My Business... 27 Aug 2013 | 11:35 am
A few weeks ago, I was asked a simple question: If you had $500 to invest in your business, how would you spend it? (Assuming I had all the photography equipment I needed.) I sat for a few minutes and...
Laguna Beach Engagement : Katie+John 26 Aug 2013 | 11:08 am
On a perfect Southern California day, Kate and John walked hand-in-hand in Laguna Beach. Orange County has proven to be one of their favorite places in the world, and often vacation along the Pacific ...
More jasmine star website related news:
Photos of Maria Guzeeva on the "Persona Star" website 30 Nov 2007 | 02:07 am
New All-Star Website Performance Award Program 27 Oct 2009 | 03:24 am
Dotcom-Monitor today announced a call for participation in its new All-Star Website Performance Award Program. The program is designed to monitor, measure, and analyze the availability and performance...
Jasmine Star’s Branding Workshop at One Marylebone, London. 24 Jul 2011 | 09:57 am
This week I had the privilege to be part of the very first Jasmine Star workshop in the UK, myself and 19 other Photographers took part in a one-day workshop all about ‘Branding’, something that I and...
Prof. Audrey Macklin with Lorne Waldman: Ottawa’s bogus refugee bill 25 Feb 2012 | 07:20 am
This commentary by Prof. Audrey Macklin and Lorne Waldman was first published on the Toronto Star website on Feb. 22, 2012. Jason Kenney, the minister of Citizenship and Immigration, knows who the re...
Jasmine Star Workshop - Fun Flirty and Fresh Spring Bridal Bouquet 13 Jul 2011 | 07:51 pm
Once again, I was honored and excited when the amazing Jasmine Star asked me to create a bouquet for her workshop. It is ALWAYS a pleasure working with Jasmine and JD, they are honestly two of the mos...
Snowbirds project for the Toronto Star website 31 Jan 2013 | 06:37 pm
I was recently hired by the Star Content Studios to work on a special section aimed at snowbirds. The project involved creating 10 articles, two infographics, two slideshows and two videos. With the r...
Hard Rock Hotel Penang Malaysia | Jasmine Star + World Photo Fest 13 May 2013 | 12:51 pm
Creative writing hasn’t been easy for me. Although technical writing is something {IMO} I’m good at thanks to countless term papers, project studies, thesis from university, and working in research & ...
8 Top Energy Efficient Clothes Washers for 2013 31 May 2013 | 12:50 am
Considering the purchase of a new energy efficient washing machine this year? Read this post first. According to the ENERGY STAR website, the average American family washes about 300 loads of laundry ...
Hard Rock Hotel Penang Malaysia | Jasmine Star + World Photo Fest 13 May 2013 | 12:51 pm
Creative writing hasn’t been easy for me. Although technical writing is something {IMO} I’m good at thanks to countless term papers, project studies, thesis from university, and working in research & ...
Wandering SF: The Mission 20 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm
I recently saw the trailer for Woody Allen’s new movie Blue Jasmine starring Cate Blanchett. There was an exterior shot of a café on the block I live on in the Mission neighborhood of San Francisco. ...