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Durable Goods Down in July 26 Aug 2013 | 04:35 pm
ABJ – Aug. 26 – Orders for durable manufactured goods were off sharply in July, sending concern throughout the economic community. In fact, it was the largest decline in almost a year and once again h...
Ballmer to Retire; Microsoft Shares Surge 23 Aug 2013 | 10:43 pm
ABJ – Aug. 23 – Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced his unexpected retirement plans today, resulting in shares of the software maker moving up almost 6 per cent. The 57-year-old Ballmer took over as...
More jasper contractors related news:
Welcome to our new Contractor website 14 Dec 2010 | 09:49 pm
We would like to invite you to try our newly launched contractor website. Now, in addition to typical information about the services we offer, you can also find the latest industry news reports and mu...
Input of Contractor Umbrella Companies 17 Jan 2012 | 07:01 pm
Umbrella companies are parent companies that many agencies enter into partnership with for particular services which they cannot provide on their own. These services range over a number of things such...
List of Larsen and Toubro Authorised Construction Machinery Dealers Showroom – Mizoram 30 Nov 2011 | 08:50 pm
List of Larsen and Toubro Authorised Construction Machinery Dealers Showroom in Mizoram Aizawl Lalmalsawma Engineers & Contractor H. No: S-1/80, Thuampui , Aizawl – 796017 Mizoram , India Phone :...
Successful RFPs in Construction, by Rick Fria, Book Review 30 May 2011 | 05:00 pm
In his book Successful RFPs in Construction, handyman Rick Fria introduces us to the value of RFPs for even smaller construction projects as a cost-effective method to select a responsible contractor ...
...And than lion fell love into the lamb... 25 Apr 2009 | 08:09 am
hi,ja sam Kaca imam 12 godina i wolim Twilight.Naj likowi su mi Alice ,Bella,Edward,Jasper i swi Cullenowi uopste...
All round Contractor Legal responsibility Insurance tips 25 Mar 2012 | 09:37 am
Common the loss of hair or mens pattern baldness is frequently considered a ancestral condition through which there’s no recourse to manage or reduce. Unfortunately, there will still be plenty of prob...
A Critique of Small Businesses 2 May 2011 | 07:03 am
As a part of Living in the 21st Century I wanted to take a closer look at small businesses. I’m not talking about freelancers and independent contractors right now, I’m talking about your friendly nei...
Obesity's "Cure" Can Be as Simple as Diet and Exercise (Guest Post) 21 Jul 2010 | 01:11 pm
Guest Post by Steve Jasper According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 300,000 people die every year as a result of obesity. As many as 34 percent of all adults are obese, which...
7 Important Reasons for Attending Networking Events: Meetup202 29 Sep 2009 | 09:45 am
This past weekend I attended the Meetup202 Los Angeles event which was organized by Jasper Pangilinan and the guys at Tracking202, and hosted by Eleah Portillo and Shanti Beaurline of AKMG. According ...
Snapshot of Meetup202 Los Angeles July 2009 13 Jul 2009 | 07:50 pm
Thanks to Jasper P and the Tracking202 team for organizing another great LA area meetup this past weekend in Pasadena. Hopefully as they grow, we’ll need to extend out to Orange County. Here’s a quick...