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你没见过的轻量级JS框架集合— 8 Feb 2012 | 05:21 am
由于本人目前不再从事专业的技术人员工作,因此,有好长一段时间没有写关于技术的文章了,但对技术及相关工具的喜爱和执着,一直未曾改变。从最初的Flash、VB、VB.NET、Java、HTML、CSS、Javascript,到后来的C#、ASP.NET、PHP,平台从Windows到Linux,再到Android,一直在技术的世界中徜徉。虽然较少写和技术相关的文章,但却一直未停止对技术的关注。 这次...
Thomas H. Wood and Associates 28 Jun 2011 | 09:58 pm
web design : jquery , java, html. Client : Thomas H. Wood and Associates Area : Michigan USA Homepage : Thomas H. Wood and Associates was established in 1996 as a premier West...
Thomas Zachos - CREATIVE ARCHITECTURE 28 Jun 2011 | 09:58 pm
web design : JQuery , java, html. Client : Thomas Zachos Area : Greece Homepage : Since 1990, Thomas Zachos' Architectural Office has been specialized in building, museological/ m...
Vemal -The development and consolidation of the company as one of the most reliable aluminum companies in Western Greece, is the result of persistent ... 28 Jun 2011 | 09:58 pm
web design : flash & action script , java, html. Client : Vemal Area : Homepage : Vemal The development and consolidation of the company as one of the most reliable aluminum companies .....
Cityvoice News Portal 28 Jun 2011 | 09:58 pm
Web design : php & action script , java, html. Πελάτης : CityVoice Περιοχή : Greece web site : Cityvoice News - Portal
JHTML | Java Within HyperText Markup Language 27 Sep 2012 | 11:24 pm
JHTML stands for Java HTML. This is a page authoring system developed at Art Technology Group (ATG). Files with extension “. JHTML” file extension contain standard HTML tags, in addition to the proper...
Java Games 3 Oct 2012 | 07:49 pm
If anyone would like a some Java games for their websites (If you wanted to open an arcade section or something along those lines.) you can ask me. :-) I know Java/HTML/CSS 101% and have been making...
المنتدى العام • اعلان دورات 25 Aug 2013 | 11:17 am
بعد إذن الادمنز يا جماعة ... اي حدا بدو او بتعرفو بدو دورات ICDL او برمجة كومبيوتر ( Visual basic 6 , visual basic .NET , Delphi , php , Java , Html , Assembley ) او برمجة تطبيقات (اندرويد و ايفون و ق...
[repost ]Running SICStus from Java 27 Aug 2013 | 06:14 pm
original: If Java is used as parent application, things are a little more complicated. There are a couple of things that need to be ...
Multiple line html code assign to a javascript variable/ assign cakephp element to a javascript variable 5 Aug 2011 | 07:02 pm
I was working with google map api, I have task to make a infowindow for a marker. I faced some problem when I assigned multiple line code to a javascript variable. I tried to put a html code to a java...