Most java jre related news are at:

Excelsior JET 8.0 MP1 Fixes Bugs, Improves MM Logging, Adds Support for Eclipse RCP 4.3 22 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
The just released Excelsior JET 8.0 Maintenance Pack 1 adds support for Equinox OSGi 3.9 and Eclipse RCP 4.3 to the Enterprise Edition. It also fixes a number of customer issues and delivers improveme...
5+ Garbage Collectors 29 Jul 2013 | 10:18 pm
A recently published essay titled “Why moble web apps are slow” deservedly got much attention in the developer community. I must say I’ve read it with interest though the “All about garbage collection...
More java jre related news:
Ubuntu : Install Oracle JDK 7 from PPA 14 Apr 2012 | 05:15 pm
There are some people who choose Oracle Java (JRE or JDK) instead of OpenJDK that available in Ubuntu repository. Because of Oracle’s rule that Oracle Java not allowed to be hosted in other Oracle’s s...
Installing Java (JRE) Like a Pro. 11 Jan 2011 | 03:03 am
Installing Java can be done in three steps : Download Java software Install it Test it Download Java Software Go to the manual download page and click on Windows 7/XP/Vista/2000/2003/2008 Online....
[SOLVED] Netbeans svn error “Duplicate extensions not allowed, OPTIONS request failed on ‘path’” 3 Sep 2011 | 09:36 am
I have installed sun-java-jre/jdk on my Ubuntu and Fedora. I am using svn for my project and have been running it well with my old Fedora 15 installation on my old PC. However, recently I installed Fe...
Installing Oracle (sun) Java JRE/JDK 1.7 update 7 on openSUSE 12.2 x86_64 8 Sep 2012 | 08:14 pm
Installing Oracle Java 1.7 on openSUSE 12.2, is much like installing Oracle Java on openSUSE 12.1. Here are the steps to install Oracle Java, and [ continue reading... ]
Download Java JRE 7 Update 7 2 Oct 2012 | 05:34 pm
Software Bagus ~ Disini saya hanya melanjutkan postingan yang tadi. Jika anda ingin menginstal Netbeans. anda harus menginstal dulu JDK dan JRE. Nah di postingan kali ini saya akan membahas tentang Do...
Install Oracle (Sun) Java JRE or JDK 7 on Debian, Ubuntu and LinuxMint 5 Dec 2012 | 11:15 pm
In one of my previous articles I’ve dealt with creating Oracle (Sun) Java 6 packages for your favorite Debian based distro. Since Oracle Java 7 has been out for a while now and it’s code has matured t...
CSIS News: Watch out! Java under attack 11 Jan 2013 | 03:54 pm
It has just been announced that clients risk getting malware on their computer just by having Java installed and enabled. The reason is a new and previously unknown vulnerability in Java JRE, which ac...
Postini message center freezes IE8/IE9 11 Apr 2013 | 09:59 pm
Got a lot of reports about the Google Message Center freezing in IE8/IE9 this week and determined that this is a problem with an older version of the Java JRE. To resolve this issue simply download an...
error 2753 regutils.dll 20 May 2013 | 02:52 pm
Durante l’installazione di una versione di Java JRE mi è comparso l’errore “error 2753 regutils.dll”, clickando su OK l’installazione falliva miseramente senza dare nessun altro errore quantomeno inte...
Managing Java JRE Updates Easily In Ubuntu With A Single Script 26 Aug 2013 | 01:30 am
How do you handle Java JRE updates in Ubuntu? It seems like there’s always an update for Java every two weeks. For Windows and Mac OS X users, it easy to update JAVA. All they have to do is visit Java...