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More javascript chat client related news:
Heysan – Web Base Messenger Chat Client for Mobile 24 Jun 2011 | 05:10 pm
Heysan is Web Base Multi Protocol Messenger that was designed for Mobile Phone. It’s support any kind of Mobile Phone such as Windows Mobile, Java (J2ME), Symbian, Android, even iPhone or BlackBerry....
JQuery – Introduction – Write Less Do More – The Simplified Javascript Library 6 Nov 2011 | 11:59 pm
To understand jquery and its importance lets try and understand why the world needs javascript. Why Javascript? 1. Client side execution - Validations and non critical business logic can sometimes b...
JavaScript is Client-Side Scripting Language 9 Mar 2012 | 08:05 am
A popular programming language that is supported in all Web browsers and other Web tools. It enables interactive functions to be added to Web pages, which are otherwise static. JavaScript evolved from...
Facebook Messenger for Windows 7 4 Jan 2012 | 09:01 pm
Facebook Messenger [] for Windows 7 [the official chat client for windows 7 platform] Features: Facbook ticker Chat option Messahe counter Notifications Friend request ...
Pidgin for Nokia N900 9 Feb 2012 | 03:41 am
Well, many folks are looking for a way to use MSN on Nokia N900. Pidgin provides the best solution. Pidgin for Nokia N900 is a popular multi-network chat client that has found its way to your mobile....
Start empathy automatically when network connection is available 25 Sep 2011 | 03:42 am
I have noticed that Empathy (the default multi-protocol chat client in Ubuntu 11.04) doesn’t re-login to the accounts after the network is dropped and re-connected. So I wrote the following python scr...
mIRC 7.19 8 May 2011 | 04:32 pm
mIRC is a full featured Internet Relay Chat client for Windows that can be used to communicate, share, play or work with others on IRC networks around the world, either in multi-user group conferences...
Cruella de Vil - The Replacements 1 Feb 2011 | 01:49 pm
D. Offer writes about Cruella de Vil. Offer operates Chit Chat, a Facebook chat client that enables you to chat on Facebook without a web-browser. There was a time that Disney songs were considered t...
Trillian Astra 19 Dec 2010 | 06:27 am
Trillian Astra Trillian is a fully featured, stand-alone, skinnable chat client that supports AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, and IRC. It provides capabilities not possible with original net...
Yahoo Booter: Sby12 - Silent Killer 23 Sep 2010 | 02:26 pm
Sby12 - Silent Killer merupakan Multilogin Booter dengan Single Victim yang bisa digunakan untuk DC ym All version dan DC all chat client. pembuatan Sby12 - Silent Killer ini saya persembahkan untuk s...