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A Holistic Alcohol Treatment Program Customized For Your Needs 7 Sep 2011 | 05:37 am
The best alcohol treatment program is the one that promotes both physical and psychological wellness. Alcoholism is equally a disease of the body and the mind, after all, and alcohol recovery must ent...
A new road … 8 Oct 2010 | 06:28 am
Yes, we’re hiking around in new territory again. Not physically though (well, not by foot anyway). We’re working on our first real book! Of course it’s about traveling – extended travel. Actually it’s...
A Button Enabled Extender... 26 Oct 2009 | 07:15 am
ASP.NET AJAX extenders are really functional; they use a managed JavaScript development approach.
5 أدوات مفيدة لمطور الويب 1 Nov 2010 | 06:49 pm
Javascript unpacker and beautifier لترتيب وتنظيم أكواد JS PHP CSS Browser Selector ملف صغير الحجم لكتابة Fixes لمجموعة من المتصفحات، خصوصا IE browsers resizeMyBrowser لتجربة قياسات مختلفة للشاشة، أد...
HTML5 Audio: Browser Self Test 23 Mar 2012 | 09:15 am
Created a small html5 page today to check which audio format your browser support in HTML5. It is using a Javascript code to detect browsers audio status dynamically and show the result. I also adde...
Stay healthy for life to live in this world 9 Apr 2012 | 10:41 pm
Health is one of the major areas across the world that moves your lifestyle easy and it is a state of complete physical, mind and social well being and not merely the absence of disease. It is level o...
Awesome funny ad on arrange marriage 30 May 2012 | 07:41 am
This is an awesome funny ad on arrange marriage. Related posts: Funny ad with 11+ million views on YouTube Indian advertising at its best How To Bend Physics To Make Sales – Part-I Must See – Eig...
DeepLeap – tolles Wörterpuzzle zum Zeit tot schlagen 6 May 2009 | 09:23 am
Findige Internetnutzer haben ein neues Javascript-Spiel des jQuery-Gurus John Resig namens DeepLeap entdeckt. Ziel des Spiels ist es, aus den zur Verfügung stehenden Buchstaben (englische) Wörter zu ...
Gold ETFs v/s Gold Mutual Funds 28 Nov 2011 | 10:12 pm
With the market being so volatile and uncertain, investors are looking to add stability to their portfolios. One way of doing that is investing in gold. Investing in physical gold is cumbersome and......
MUSIC MONDAY: "One Day" by Charice 6 Jul 2011 | 06:37 am
"You'll remain youthful as long as you continue to learn and absorb new ideas. As children we grow physically, as adults we grow intellectually, but we always continue to grow" "HAPPY MUSIC MONDAY TO...