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Big Social Data: The Intersection of Tiger, Tocqueville, and Content Marketing 20 Apr 2012 | 06:29 am
Summary: Content strategy insights from big social data mining. Tactical Value: Regardless of platform, regardless of the focus of your social content and conversations, regardless of your business o...
Facebook EdgeRank Calculation: The Missing Link 10 Sep 2011 | 09:04 am
As a caveat, if you’re a small business owner, I am hand delivering a 70% competitive advantage on facebook. Over the last four years, I’ve received much flack for my use of social media, both in for...
More JDI related news:
The last posting,,, 26 Mar 2009 | 03:19 pm
wah,,,hati ini terasa berat,,, ttapi,,,hrus eman kasih tau,,, bhwa ini lah postingan trakhirku,,, krena ,,Ujian Nasional sebntar lagi akan datang,, jdi,,,eman hrus blajar sngguh2x dlu,, biar nnti...
CIP – Project Paperwork 27 Feb 2012 | 09:03 pm
Project Paperwork The 3 project types require the following paperwork. Project Type Just Do It (JDI) Standard Complex Project Mandate & Mandate Checklist X √ √ Project Validation (Div. Accou...
Cheap JohnDow Fuel Chief JDI-25GC-PD 25-Gallon Poly Diesel Caddy With 10-Inch Pneumatic Wheels & 10-Foot Hose – Best Deal on Fuel Transfer Tanks 2 Mar 2012 | 11:55 am
JohnDow Fuel Chief JDI-25GC-PD 25-Gallon Poly Diesel Caddy With 10-Inch Pneumatic Wheels & 10-Foot Hose – Check price at Fuel Transfer Tanks Lowest prices at Fuel Transfer Tanks. The JohnDow Fuel Chi...
SMS zdarma na O2 přímo ze vstupní stránky 8 Oct 2011 | 12:28 am
Chceš zdarma, rychle a bez opisování hloupých kódu, zasílat sms na O2? Jdi na a zasílej textovky rovnou z úvodní stránky.
Buah Sirsak, Pembunuh Kanker 24 Nov 2010 | 06:30 pm
sebenar'y wkt dpt email dri tmen, aq mau lsg posting ttg artikel nie cm krna wktu yg sibuk :-D jdi bru kli nie posting'y mg bs b'mnfaat wt tmen2..:) nie artikel'y aq jg copy paste dri email aq..n shar...
What's wrong with me? 4 Sep 2010 | 12:30 am
Sebenarnya saya x mahu tulis pun pasal ni..tpi sbb dah x tau kat mana nak buang perasaan nie jauh2, kat sinilah saya harap saya bole jdi ok balik..saya pun bknnya jenis yg suka cerita psal diri sndiri...
here WE are Again .! 11 Aug 2010 | 12:05 am
assalamulaikom... haa...dah lama ku tak update blog nih kn...nk taw sebb ape??.. sbb nye....tak jdi jumper last malas da nk lyn ..huh! (kecewA) bile dah jumper aritu baru la ader story to...
kegilaan DRR.. 5 Jan 2011 | 04:08 am
sjak2 team hrmau malaya mnang game suzuki AFF,sume name2 player naek..sblum ni xde pn yg amek port tahniah pd team negara..slngkah btambah maju..aku bangge jdi rakyat malaysia..eceh!!he...
aku dak baruu... 12 Oct 2009 | 01:05 am
samekom an hye uolls....aku adalah ahli blog baru yg slma ni tepingga2 dan asyik ceroboh blog org sajork.....jadi,untuk memuaskan hati,aku pun nak gak blog sndri kannn.... nak jdi blogger tesohor kate...
Panty liner boleh hilang bau kasut dan jdi cool fever 5 Jan 2010 | 01:44 am
ai2!!!!! ........... panty liner leh jdi cool fever?wah hebatkn?hehe..tergerak ati nk tulis n3 ni gara2 da client dtg td kat office yg aku gah wat praktikal..dia dtg jumpa bos sal hal halal ekspo & co...