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Funeral Planning & Costs | Funeral Etiquette, Customs & More 12 May 2007 | 07:22 am
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Is he borderline stalking me or is this entirely co-incidental? 19 Jun 2013 | 02:18 pm
Background: I'm female, 26, live in Syd/Australia, city office professional. I met a guy - 24, Jehovahs Witness, from a country town via instagram. ...
"Definitivamente, nos crecen los enanos...". (Cuerpo Gobernante de los testigos de Jehová) 18 Aug 2013 | 09:01 pm Estimados camaradas víctimas de las políticas opacas de la Voz de D...
Jehovah Witness Jailed Over Child Sex Abuse Which Was Covered-Up 24 Aug 2013 | 08:47 pm
A Jehovah’s Witness who sexually abused a child and then had his wrongdoing covered up by the church has been jailed for 13 years. Gordon Leighton, 53, admitted sexually abusing a child when he was co...
Technology Sites by Jehovah's Witnesses 26 Mar 2010 | 01:51 am
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Final Expense Insurance – Big Misconception About Furneral Cost And Social Security 17 Mar 2012 | 02:02 am
Do you have a final expense plan to protect your love ones when the time comes? The funeral expense is on the rise and to leave your family wit burden of wondering where they money might come from...
Krista & Humberto Wedding 2 Mar 2011 | 10:15 am
Krista And Humberto Wedding in Puerto Vallarta We were exited to capture this wedding at the witness o Jehovah Kingdom Hall in Versalles, and after … Continue reading → 7 May 2012 | 02:24 am
Weddings are generally not my favourite event to go to, though I do prefer them to funerals. I find church weddings are stiff and too formal. So imagine my pleasant surprise to witness a beautiful ...
Jackson Family Circus Does Jehovah's Witness Faith No Real Favors 7 Jul 2009 | 03:53 am
The continued absurd circus of outrageous news surrounding the family of Michael Jackson really does little good for the public image of the Jehovah's Witness faith. However, much of the tabloid quali...
I will pray for you 16 Jun 2012 | 06:23 am
To all of you people who consider yourselves “decent Christians/Muslims/Jehovah’s Witnesses/Fill-in-the-Blank”, of all the demented things you can say in any social situation, “I will pray for you” is...
Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Great Salespeople? What Small Business Can Learn 29 Jul 2012 | 10:05 pm
Upfront I want you to know this post is not meant to be disrespectful, or a philosophical discussion about the merits of the Jehovah’s Witness faith as compared to other religious denominations. Rathe...