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What Am I ? (#9) 24 Jun 2011 | 08:30 am
1. My surface includes several interesting landmarks such as Rachmaninoff, a 170-mile-wide, double-ringed impact basin and the Debussy crater, site of a billion-year-old major collision (one of my mo...
My pastor is my shepherd, I shall be protected 6 Sep 2010 | 06:33 pm
The Gospel lectionary reading this past sunday was Luke 14:25-33: 25 Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: 26 "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mo...
Update 23 Jun 2008 | 08:24 am
A lot of things happened while I wasn't posting on this blog. One thing is that my hubby Mo is operated on his back for the second time. He had a double hernia in his lower back, they were huge. Two y...
(FF) MY LADY...... SEMBILAN BELAS 20 Dec 2010 | 03:21 pm
Mo Entry Part ini kok senyum2 mulu... inget MSAON Epi 8, aduh tu adegan mirip... Double Geun kabur melarikan diri dr Fans, Ngumpet di gang kecil, Ngos2an b2an, trus Kissu Napa bisa sama yack... *senyu...
Turns out agriculture isn't doing all that well after all 18 Apr 2010 | 04:38 am
There has been much discussion on this blog regarding how agricultural production has been doing. Some have asserted that production has increased 50% or even doubled. Turns out, straight from the mo...
DPG-Vidéo : Nikki Benz & Lichelle Marie - Double Decker Sandwich 4 Jan 2009 | 11:35 pm
Un exellent plan à 3! =============== =============== taille: 77 Mo
Đài Truyền Hình CTV Cà Mau Giới thiệu về Mô Hình Rau Mầm Bà 5 25 Apr 2012 | 03:41 am
Đài Truyền Hình CTV Cà Mau Giới thiệu về Mô Hình Rau Mầm Bà 5 Chú ý: Double Click vào chính giữa Video để có thể xem toàn màn hình Nếu bạn xem không được clip ở trên thì bạn xem Video Clip bên dưới ...
Contoh Program Double Stack 7 Feb 2011 | 04:26 am
Sekarang aku mo lanjutin postingan sebelumnya yaitu mengenai Double Stack, sebelumnya sudah kejelaskan sedikit tentang apa itu double stack, bisa dibaca di artikel sebelumnya double stack Sekarang ti...
Các mô hình kinh điển: Mô hình hai đáy, mô hình hai đỉnh 27 Dec 2010 | 02:17 am
Double bottom (Mô hình hai đáy) Mô hình hai đáy hình thành khi giá tạo thành hai điểm đáy liên tiếp trên cùng một đồ thị. Mô hình này chỉ hoàn thiện khi giá tăng vượt qua điểm bắt đầu hình thành đáy ....
Jeff Mathis 17 Sep 2011 | 02:38 am
Not many people can say they've been able to slay a dragon. But in 2009, Jeff Mathis did just that with his heroic 11th inning walk-off RBI double that defeated mighty New York in one of the mo...