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Jet Band Saw 17 Mar 2012 | 09:44 pm
Jet Band Saw for Industrial Match by suwarno Jet band saw.We can assure that when we are talking about modern life, there must be so many kinds of easiness which can be found by modern people althou...
Title Tracks on Tumblr 21 Jul 2011 | 10:34 am
I have a Tumblr page now where I post about music, movies and other stuff that used to clutter up the Title Tracks blogspot (which is now just band news/tour dates, etc.). You can see it over at title...
Project: The Midway State 10 Oct 2011 | 12:01 pm was a project for the popular “The Midway State” Band, designed for band news and multimedia, videos, photos, MP3s Efficiency: - less than 1 second page load time Design: - 1 co...
BAND NEWS OF THE WEEK 12 Aug 2012 | 10:48 am
Let’s see how many times I say FANGIRL in this video plus I still don’t understand the concept of editing, so you’ll get to enjoy all these wonderfully terrible editing cuts Links twitter:
Acordo entre Euronews e Band News Brasil 10 Dec 2012 | 11:00 pm
A Euronews reforça sua estratégia global cooperando com a Band News, a cadeia de informação do primeiro grupo de média brasileiro: Grupo Bandeirantes de Comunicação (Rádio e Televisão Bandeirantes, Ba...
Giffoni fala sobre Boa Ventura! na BandNews FM 14 Mar 2013 | 09:35 pm
Nesta semana, em seu programa “Livro no Ar”, na Band News FM de Belo Horizonte, o escritor Luís Giffoni fez uma resenha de Boa Ventura!. Para ouvir, clique aqui. Filed under: Livro-reportagem, Lucas n...
TEXAS BBQ (The Western Ramblers - Part 4) 9 May 2013 | 05:41 pm
And finally here's something (a bit) different. The Western Ramblers and The Duo Jet Band played live at this event. But it wasn't just about music. There was coffee and Western Pies by Kiss Lorraine....
News: Rock Concerts “OK PUNK DAY” and “WORLD F***IN TOUR 2012″ Coming Up! 15 Feb 2012 | 12:36 pm
Indie fans are on high alert as this week will be a full fledged rock weekend featuring some of Korea’s top punk bands! “OK PUNK DAY” will be an all day event of featuring notorious bands such as THE... 20 Apr 2012 | 01:51 pm
News Update What Is A Hypno Band, And Does It Work? - Hypno Band The answer to the question can differ from one pers... 20 Apr 2012 | 01:51 pm
News Update What Is A Hypno Band, And Does It Work? - Hypno Band The answer to the question can differ from one pers...