Most jira green hopper related news are at:

Appel orateurs Agile Tour Toulouse 2013 4 Jul 2013 | 10:56 am
L'appel à orateurs pour l'édition 2013 est en cours jusqu'au 14 juillet ! N'hésitez pas, soumettez vos sessions ici : Le sessions seront catégorisées en fonct.....
Retour sur apéro #10 (le 11 juin) 19 Jun 2013 | 01:50 am
Merci à la dizaine de personnes qui nous a rejoint. Nous avons rompu la glace avec le jeu « agile oops ». Celui est basé sur le principe du taboo. Il faut faire deviner des termes agiles en interdisan...
More jira green hopper related news:
How to Localize JDK for fa-IR 23 May 2011 | 04:25 pm
Java Atlassian is an Australlian corporation which has some cool products like JIRA, Confluence, Fish Eye, Green Hopper, JIRA Studio and etc. For last 5 years I’m using Jira as an Issue Tracker and I...
Overview of Lambda-cyhalothrin in China - CCM Reports 28 Apr 2012 | 07:49 pm
Lambda-cyhalothrin is mainly applied in both agricultural area and non-crop area. As to agricultural use, it is used to control pests including smaller green leaf hopper, diamond back moth, etc. As to...
Sri Lanka - food 13 Jun 2012 | 06:25 am
Here is a much belated selection of shots from Sri Lanka......the other Green Isle & haven of food. We ate everything from egg hoppers with coconut sambal to fresh platters of amazing local fruits. It...
Norpro Deluxe Bean Frencher 17 Jun 2013 | 10:00 am
Norpro Deluxe Bean FrencherEasy to use. Just feed fresh green beans into the hopper. As you turn the crank, beans will be sliced into slender, French cut slices.Features:Heavy duty constructionStainle...