Most job application letter related news are at:

How to be a Great Office Junior 23 Aug 2013 | 02:03 pm
When some people think of internships, apprenticeships or office junior roles they can often automatically associate them with tea making, filing and general dogsbody work around the office. This is n...
How Facebook Can Ruin Your Career 12 Feb 2013 | 06:57 pm
How Facebook Can Ruin Your Career? Since its inception back in 2004, Facebook has quickly grown into one of the most popular and successful social media platforms around. According to statistics, curr...
More job application letter related news:
Formatting Your Job Application Letter 7 Apr 2012 | 02:04 pm
Formatting Your Job Application Letter Nowadays, most people try to find lots of employment opportunities. If you’re one of those, you’ll definitely respect to uncover the way to get the employer’s fo...
Sample IELTS job application letter 8 Apr 2013 | 09:13 am
A sample IELTS job letter written to an agency asking for part-time employment with a lesson on choosing both general and specific vocabulary The post Sample IELTS job application letter appeared fir...
Job Application Letters: How To Write Great Job Cover Letters, Win Interviews 30 Jul 2013 | 12:47 pm
How To Write Job Application Letters That Win Interviews. Writing Resume Covering Letters With Examples of How You End Your Letters
Good Family Upbringing Develops Strong Soft Skills in Kids? 23 Dec 2009 | 03:22 am
Of late, Indian companies have started expecting new job applicants to already posses the right set of soft skills from the day one they join the company instead of training new employees on these ski...
Writing a Resume Cover Letter 5 May 2012 | 12:21 am
A resume cover letter is something that many people leave out in their job applications
Is ambition positive or negative? 14 Apr 2012 | 02:45 pm
Is ambition a positive or negative characteristic? Is is necessary for success? In many situations, ambition is highly regarded. Job applications often ask for ambitious candidates. Entrepreneurs are...
Guidance, Resume Cover Letters 20 Oct 2011 | 04:49 pm
Resume cover letters play a crucial role when it comes to job application. The reason why you have to write a good cover letter lies in the very basic truth of the reason why you want to get the job. ...
Social media, privacy and employment law 11 Apr 2012 | 07:56 pm
Employees and Social Media Passwords There is a growing trend for organisations to ask employees or job applicants for their social media login details, particularly in regulated industries such as f...
How Candidate Abuse Is Costing Your Firm Millions of Dollars in Revenue 16 Mar 2010 | 07:00 am
March 15, 2010 Dr. John Sullivan writes on about the devastating impact that treating job applicants badly can have on an organization – on the difficult-to-measure ‘employer brand’, and on t...
The resume black hole: Where job applications end up 19 Feb 2010 | 11:36 am
February 18, 2010 Jessica Dickler reports on CNN that the problem of the resume ‘black hole’ is deepening, as millions of job seekers respond to countless job adverts and never hear back from employe...