Most jobs lost under obama related news are at:

The Search for Sanity … Out There! 27 Aug 2013 | 11:35 am
© Tom Tomorrow The “journalist” in the last panel is David Gregory from “Meet the Press”. Who during a heated exchange did indeed ask Greenwald why he shouldn’t be charged with a felony. Gregory clai...
Late Night Political Humor 26 Aug 2013 | 11:18 am
“So former President George W. Bush had to go into the hospital, had a little heart surgery and he’s OK, but he blames it all on the fatty foods served by White House butler Forest Whitaker.” – David ...
More jobs lost under obama related news:
Jobs Created 11 Apr 2012 | 07:40 pm
Bush left office with the economy losing 10 Million jobs per year. Obama's Job Stimulus stopped the losses in record time. Since then 4 Million private sector jobs have been added. Next ⇒ Detroit...
Government Job Destruction 5 May 2012 | 01:52 am
Another jobs report in the US, another month where part of the private sector's job creation was undone by continued job destruction by the government sector. The 15,000 additional jobs lost in April...
Promised forever, finally delivering... *VEGAN* A La Vodka! 1 Jun 2008 | 06:36 pm
I've been busy. Really, really busy. I got a new job, lost a *ton* of weight (so now I'm just the SLIGHTLY Chubby Vegan!), and went on a vacation. I never get to see a computer...
Our latest recession is really a "mancession" 28 Apr 2009 | 12:51 pm
This recession is bad, but for men, it is REALLY bad. According to US NEWS & WORLD REPORTS (May, 2009), "Men account for nearly 80% of the jobs lost since February 2008." There are higher job losses ...
Carter Lost Iran, Obama Lost Egypt 2 Feb 2011 | 02:33 pm
I don’t think even the most liberal, Obama follower would argue against my saying Carter lost Iran. Likewise it has to be said that Mr. Obama has lost Egypt. He threw a party Saturday night for Axle...
Document Management for Students (and Non-Students): a crash course 16 Nov 2011 | 03:17 am
Messy desks, overflowing drawers, loaded cabinets… These are prerequisites to a disaster. …a disaster that might take up most of your time and in fact a risk to your job. Lost files, untraceable docum...
Kenyans Expect Food And Jobs From “Jesus” Obama 22 Jan 2009 | 01:38 pm
Kenyans Expect Food And Jobs From "Jesus" Obama Posted by HoleyHands on January 21, 2009 at 12:33pm in WORLD NEWS (Change) View Discussions <div class="adminbox xg_module xg_span-4...
London finance firms seen cutting 25,000 jobs in 2012 29 May 2012 | 01:10 am
With the intention of would push the figure of jobs lost in the City of London since the top of the financial rumble in 2007 to 100,000, the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) said. Th...
Steve Jobs’ Lost Interview 10 Jun 2012 | 07:25 pm
Robert X. Cringely released his interview with technology legend Steve Jobs last year. Ten minutes of the said footage was utilized for the Triumph of the Nerds documentary in the year 1996. It was sa...
London finance firms seen cutting 25,000 jobs in 2012 28 May 2012 | 06:10 pm
With the intention of would push the figure of jobs lost in the City of London since the top of the financial rumble in 2007 to 100,000, the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) said. The...