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Hot This Week on Evri for iPad 8 May 2012 | 06:37 am
This past week, Evri for iPad users have been reading about the John Edwards, Chen Guangcheng, MCA’s death, and more. Here are the top 5 topics viewed between April 30 and May 7, 2012: John Edwards –...
Hot This Week on Evri for iPad 1 May 2012 | 06:03 am
This past week, Evri for iPad users have been reading about the NFL draft, student loan relief, John Edwards’ trial, and more. Here are the top 5 topics viewed between April 23 and April 30, 2012: St...
Edwards attorney attacks ex-aide’s credibility 27 Apr 2012 | 06:19 am
John Edwards’ defense lawyer on Thursday picked apart ex-aide Andrew Young’s story that he was asked to conceal Edwards’ affair with a mistress with campaign money, accusing him of making up stories a...
真的有通灵者吗? 1 Jan 2012 | 12:55 pm
现在美国有一类新兴的电视节目,是由灵媒主持,为观众通灵的。我看过的一个,叫 “Crossing Over–with John Edwards”的,所谓cross over,跨越的,正是阴阳二界。 不想笼统的用“迷信”二字去看待这个题材,我们肉眼看不到的,不代表不存在。 其实在这些节目里,我常常看到的,不是甚么魑魅魍魉,反而是人世间的情。 节目是这样的: 一开始,节目主持人John会走出来,...
John Edwards Affair 11 Oct 2007 | 03:21 pm
Let the mudslinging begin in Presidential Race 2008! It should come as no surprise that the National Inquirer has become the official authority on mudslinging. The latest salvo: the John Edwards affai...
Edwards to admit paternity of ex-mistress' child 14 Aug 2009 | 12:01 pm
or On The Next Maury: Edwards Gets Reille Sources say that John Edwards will fess up to fathering the child of his former mistress. Sources have told WRAL News that they expect former U.S. Sen. John...
First of all, the governor of Illinois looks like an aging porn star. That mop he's wearing is too suspect for words. But if he intended to upgrade to the JOHN EDWARDS HAIRCUT price range, he should h...
Journey – Interview with lead engineer John Edwards 11 Mar 2012 | 08:32 am
You stand alone in an endless desert. Sand displaces beneath your feet, shifting aside like waves in the ocean as you slide down a steep dune. Behind you is nothing. Ahead, a mountain on top of which...
Jurors told to re-focus in former Senator Edwards’ trial 30 May 2012 | 06:08 pm
GREENSBORO, North Carolina (Reuters) – The seventh day of jury deliberations in former Senator John Edwards' federal campaign finance trial brought firm reminders and a bit of levity on Tuesday b...
Jurors told to re-focus in former Senator Edwards’ trial 30 May 2012 | 06:08 pm
GREENSBORO, North Carolina (Reuters) – The seventh day of jury deliberations in former Senator John Edwards' federal campaign finance trial brought firm reminders and a bit of levity on Tuesday b...