Most joining african flowers related news are at:

Finally FINISHED! 24 Jul 2011 | 04:30 pm
A LONG, LOOONG time ago, about a year ago, actually, I was bitten by the inspiration bug when I saw this post by Lucy at Attic24. She was making all these lovely little squares using left-over yarn. S...
Chevron Cardigan - Finished! 14 Jul 2011 | 03:23 am
Well, it's been a l-o-n-g time between posts, but I am here now, and very excited to share the news that my cardigan is finished and is a "wearable"! And, therefore, a success! My cardi getting bloc...
More joining african flowers related news:
African Flower bag June 2010 10 Jun 2010 | 08:02 am
African Flower bag June 2010 I've just finished this African Flower bag. I used Inga's pattern on Ravelry for the construction . For the squares I used the graph for an African Flower square posted o...
African Flower Pincushion 4 Feb 2013 | 04:37 pm
My little project yesterday. Sandra Paul of Cherry Hearts Designs has recently written a brilliant tutorial for this cute crochet pincushion. I know I've said it before, but I just love pincushions ...
Happypotamus the happy Hippo crochet Pattern available 22 Apr 2013 | 12:24 am
Hi everyone :) I am so excited to share that after what feels like many moons, I have finished and uploaded the Happypotamus crochet pattern to my Ravelry shop! Happy is made using the African Flower ...
Nellie the Elephant African Flower Crochet Pattern available 12 Jun 2013 | 08:26 pm
Hi everyone :) I am SO excited to announce that I have completed the pattern for Nellie, my latest African Flower crochet pattern. She is a sweet, bright, silly little ellie, crocheted in sock weight ...
Sonja's African flower bag 26 Jun 2013 | 09:26 am
Some time ago I had a lovely email from Sonja who lives in The Netherlands. As they use different weight yarn etc than what we use in Australia, she wanted to know what would be the best to make he...
Fatty Lumpkin the brave African Flower Pony Crochet Pattern is available now... 18 Jul 2013 | 04:16 pm
Hi everyone :) I am very proud of my latest African Flower pattern...introducing Fatty Lumpkin! I have so enjoyed the design process and making of this little pony, that he is dear to my heart :) He i...
African flower 30 May 2012 | 08:15 pm
African Flower mønstret er fantastisk <3 Man kan bruge denne sekskantede hæklede blomst til alverdens ting og sager - foreløbig har jeg selv brugt den til hårbånd, grydelapper og et lille pyntegardin,...
Lechuza en croché 15 Aug 2013 | 05:31 pm
Miren que belleza! La encontré en:
10 Fun & Free African Flower Motif Patterns! 20 Aug 2013 | 08:30 pm
The African Flower Motif might just be the new granny square! This one motif seems to be able to form the basis of any number of patterns. It’s fun, beautiful, easy, and visually striking – and here a...
Coat Drive Success… now for the Eye Glass Drive! 9 Feb 2012 | 01:20 pm
flower ME events was thrilled to join The Osborn Retirement Community, Rye City Lions Club, and the Rye Rotary Club, in the effort to collect coats for those in need. The coats will be given to the Op...