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6 Signs: Apostle or Want-A-Be? 19 Aug 2013 | 11:53 pm
Not everybody is an apostle. We need apostles, but we need the real deal. Let’s try to separate the real deal from the marketing hype. To begin let’s see what all apostles can have and then start to s...
Apostolic Reformers Oppose Demonic Teaching Spirits 13 Jan 2013 | 07:53 pm
Demon spirits teach, write books, and build schools. There was a time when Canaanite giants built a university city, the “City of Books,” to transmit their anti-Christ culture to the next generation. ...
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Clarke wants talks with Olsson 22 Jun 2012 | 12:38 pm
New West Brom manager Steve Clarke wants his first act as manager to be the tying down of Sweden defender Jonas Olsson. Olsson featured for Sweden in Euro 2012, but they were knocked out last Friday a...
Note di regia di "Dietro le quinte di 8 e mezzo" 27 Aug 2013 | 04:04 pm
Ho conosciuto Fellini nel gennaio del 1956. Era diretto a Hollywood per gli Oscar, ma non ci arrivò mai. Invece conobbe tutti i miei amici beatnik: Alan Ginsberg, Shirley Clarke, Susan Sontag, Jonas M...