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– Love for Life | A strong immune system means protection from disease. A united community presents an impenetrable front against corruption!
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Jordan Maxwell - Blízke stretnutia a iné príbehy 26 Aug 2013 | 08:08 pm
Projekt Camelot: Nedávno, hneď po našej návšteve Vatikánu v máji v roku 2010, som mal veľkú česť zhovárať sa s Jordanom Maxwellom. Aj keď tentoraz sme sa nezhovárali o Iluminátoch a New World Order --...
Doctors Without Borders Aiding Terrorists 26 Aug 2013 | 08:01 am
First there was this Red Cross, a humanitarian organization which can cross behind enemy lines during conflict of any magnitude. Why it can do so, is where Jordan Maxwell’s research […]
20 Alternate Uses of a Green Lantern Power Ring 7 Nov 2010 | 11:10 am
So, according to the Wiki page on Green Lantern, Hal Jordan has a plethora of powers to choose from with his mystical power ring. With abilities limited only by his imagination, he can teleport, levit...